Shall We Toll the Bells For a Dead Vaxx Totalitarian?

Posted by freedomforall 7 months ago to Politics
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"Susan Wojcicki was among the most hardcore censors of truthful COVID-19 information throughout the pandemic, censoring anything critical of the so-called vaccines and anything speculating that COVID-19 originated from a Chinese lab receiving government funding funneled by Anthony Fauci through EcoHealth Alliance.

It is for these trespasses against free speech and human welfare that I will remember Susan.
Just how many lives may have been lost directly due to Wojcicki’s brutal censorship regime — how many people might have gained access to true information regarding the risks of COVID-19 “vaccines,” for example, via YouTube and reconsidered before getting injected — would be nearly impossible to quantify. But it’s not beyond the realm of the imagination that such a case occurred at least once in the four years since the pandemic began. Which, to my mind, means Susan has their blood on her hands.

How many terrified parents cloistered their children at home, setting back their psychological and mental development for years, perhaps never to be recovered?

How many schools remained locked down for years on end, depriving children of social interaction and working parents of the means to support their children and work at the same time?

How many of those things might not have happened if one of the largest platforms for the dissemination of information hadn’t bent the knee to the corporate and state interests that fostered an environment of fear and suspicion and submission to illegitimate Public Health™ authority?

God might forgive her, and you may as well; I won’t. In my view, she got off too easy, having never faced any consequences here on Earth for her villainy."

D.C. Is utterly corrupt. NIFO
Ditto for Silicon Valley Big Tech elites.
SOURCE URL: https://armageddonprose.substack.com/p/shall-we-toll-the-bells-for-a-dead

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 7 months ago
    People willing to do evil harmful things for a fat income can evade breaking laws not on the books by doing the bidding of what I'd call a legalized (criminal) institution.
    "WHO? WHO?" called the wise old owl. "WHO?"
    Fat Paycheck Sociopaths Anonymous?
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    • Posted by mhubb 7 months ago
      i do not believe they see themselves are evil

      they justify what they are doing so they can live with themselves
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 months ago
        Your "so they can live with themselves" statement reminds me of sociopaths (the majority of such being conniving thieves) that I supervised at a maximum security state prison between 1982 and 2003.
        Second degree murderers and drug offenders were generally much easier to boss. Some convicted felons and I got along with pretty well.
        All the above are the population inmates. Some lived in crowded dorms. The worst of the worst such as a third of Alabama's Death Row were locked up in one man cells.
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 7 months ago
    "How many terrified parents cloistered their children at home, setting back their psychological and mental development for years, perhaps never to be recovered?"

    THIS ONE. This right here. I am seeing the fallout from this in my own extended family, as some are literally afraid to leave their homes. These are kids in their late teens. Don't know how to drive. Don't know how to negotiate the world. Have never held a typical summer job. It's appalling. One of them has a severe mental illness (diagnosed) that it appears he is slowly climbing his way out of, with intensive and OMG so expensive treatment. It's my hope that the pressure just caused him to cave mentally and that a return to normality will help him obtain the tools he needs to navigate the world. This was a child who graduated top 3% in his very competitive, top-ranked high school. He was also selected the #1 physics and science student in the entire school by his own teachers.

    And, thinking they were doing the right thing....they got ALL the shots.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 7 months ago
    My daughter-in-law and grandson finally tested negative this morning after another in an endless series of recurring covid. I haven-t been able to see them in two weeks and the blame lies squarely on those @%<$% shots and boosters. They will have this for the rest of their lives. I didn't get the poison, and luckily my son only got one. He had to, to keep his job as electrician, considered a vital occupation during the lockdown. Watching the sickening bootlicking, lying, frenetic clouds of obfuscation being flung around the demon-cratic candidate, my only hope for a saner policy is the orange man. ...and the EU can shove their election interference up their collective anal oriffices.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 7 months ago
    I have to admit that I had not heard of Susan Wojcicki before reading this article. After having read this Susan Wojcicki ranks with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Shelia Jackson Lee, Hillary Clinton and other in my mind. I won't speak ill of any of these but neither will I praise them. I will only say that I am happy that these are no longer in power. Yes, I know Hillary is still alive...call it wishful thinking.

    I intentionally only mentioned women of this ilk. I could have easily named many men as well.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 7 months ago
    Agreeing to be jabbed with doubtful chemicals on the advice of unknown authorities is a risky choice. I refused. As for keeping kids out of school, that is not so bad. Kids learn and adapt to whatever goes on in their world. I had tuberculosis at age 7 and spent many months in a sanatorium without formal schooling. When I recovered, I had a few weeks with a private tutor to bring me up to date with the school I had missed.

    If anything, this interruption of my "normal" progress did me a lot of good, increasing my exposure to new experiences and having to endure constant teasing and torment among strangers.

    Consider how today's kids have enriched experiences and exposure to dreadful happenings they will never forget. My TB isolation was preceded by being bombed by WWII attacks on Germany. It was pure luck to have survived. So kids today will learn more about the real world that may teach them more about life than plain old school and an undisturbed daily existence. Besides, there are homeschoolers in ever-growing numbers who don't attend government-run indoctrination facilities.
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