A Week to Remember ... But What Set This Chaos Into Motion?

Posted by Dobrien 2 months, 3 weeks ago to History
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“ On June 10, 2024, roughly two weeks before the debate, Trump first publicly put out the notion that, as POTUS, he would work towards making tips tax-free. Again, very subtle, but was this received by the Deep State as Trump saying he was going to take down the whole corrupt financial system during his next presidency?

Making tips tax-free could be viewed as a first step towards abolishing income tax.

After abolishing income tax, the money supply system would be next. Without private bankers controlling America’s money supply system, the Deep State Cabal stands no chance of surviving. To me, it is more likely that this is what sparked the Deep State desperation, and not the public waking up to Biden’s lack of cognitive prowess. The vast majority of people already knew Biden wasn’t fit to run the country before the debate ever occurred.”

To add an extra point or two to the timeline.

July 18th: Day 4 of the RNC, Trump makes a lengthy speech, he closes out the RNC by having Nessun Dorma played.


That is a massive message to the Deep State of what he’s going to do to [them] when he comes back in January.

He’s told them the gloves are off for what they tried to do to him.

This was such a massive signal that many normies even understood the reference!

However a lot of people seemed to have missed the connection that the Cabal sent their reply the next morning, July 19th.

The Crowdstrike crash caused the largest IT outage in history.


For those who want a technical explanation of what happened.


As former IT I can tell you for a fact that the way it happened cannot be accidental in any way.

The MSM are trying to sell it as an oopsie caused by a simple accident.

But such mission critical applications cannot simply be deployed without going through a normally rigorous testing process.

The error is so simple yet obvious it should have been caught in testing long before being deployed.

So the timing of this outage the day after Trump sends his message is a bit too coincidental.

The message in this response is loud and clear, if the white hats come after us, we can and will cripple and destroy your IT infrastructure at will.

This outage is a sample of what we can do to you.

A more severe attack would’ve caused mass chaos in the form of severe supply chain interruptions, lack of emergency services and healthcare, impaired access to basic financial services such as credit card transactions etc.

Maybe even downing infrastructure delivery systems such as the power grid, water and energy distribution systems etc.

The Cabal are both desperate and in a panic that nothing is deterring Trump, slowing his campaign momentum nor lowering his popularity.

They are also in a rage that the normies are rejecting and rebelling against their system of control.

Their response is typical of an organization run by psychopaths/sociopaths who cannot seem to comprehend the fact that their power is finite and declining.

They always double down when losing because they can’t envision any other way to react, it’s what Trump and the white hats are using to fuel the Great Awakening.

As for Jackson-Lee, there are no coincidences, she was an expendable pawn and also served as a warning to others in the Cabal, we don’t tolerate failure and if you are thinking about jumping ship and switching side this will be your fate.

Look for a fatal accident in Cheatle’s future, maybe she should have stayed as security at Pepsi Co, guarding the Doritos instead of jumping into the Deep end with real sharks.

Also the clean up will involve not only evidence but witnesses and players in the assassination disappearing, much like what happened at the Las Vegas mass shooting.

Remember, it's the cover-up which gets them and in this case that's what is going to happen.
SOURCE URL: https://badlands.substack.com/p/a-week-to-remember

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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    And more recently Trump has announced support for Bitcoin and a plan for federal investment in Bitcoin.
    More reason for banksters to panic?
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 months, 3 weeks ago
      Not sure what to think about that.
      Having spent 50 years in the computer trade: production/testing/R&D, I know all too well the vulnerabilities of electronics and electrical systems.
      Please understand our grid has changed very little from Nikola Tesla's designs from 125 years ago and way too much of our infrastructure in in excess of 50-60+ years old. I lived in a neighborhood where the local grid was over 100 years old.
      CrowdStrike has demonstrated all too clearly how easy it is to slam the internet system down tight in a heartbeat... Then what?
      There must exist a parallel system of physical metals (of your choice) to backup the digital part.
      That would be the only way I would even think of signing on.
      I would have to see the fine print on that contract.
      Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
    • Posted by 2 months, 3 weeks ago
      Yup. This is a controlled demolition of their system of systems. Tariffs are what the constitution outlined as to pay for Federal Government. Trump will end the theft from taxes ,but it won’t happen over night.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    I read an interesting thread on the wife's TeleGram feed (I don't subscribe to anything, I'm a ghost)
    A member of the SS counter-sniper team (now of whistle blower status) wrote an open letter to the DoJ, FBI, WH, CIA stating "He no longer respects or trusts the agency. He is ashamed to be associated with them." He states: "unless nine (named) Senior members are fired or step down (One already has) he will resign his post if this is not done." And he is not alone.
    He went on to say, "with certainty", that another assignation attempt will occur before November.
    Things are happening fast.
    Clearly this is not going the way the Cabal planned.
    A cornered snake is when it's most dangerous.
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  • Posted by Lucky 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    Yes, they set up Biden in the debate, with-holding the medications would be effective. Who-ever "they" is/are, realized- the show could not be maintained, they had to get Biden out, their plans did not include a sensible candidate, but the voting 'strengthening' can handle a 40:60 deficit but not a 20:80 deficit.
    (There again, Maduro in Venezuela has just had an election win, reports are that the real vote was a landslide against. Same techniques.)

    Comment, The attack would stop bitcoin as well as normal banking.
    I am inclined to agree- it was not a very rare accident, it was a warning.
    The lesson is to make sure that cash must be a legal option, does not solve all problems but helps.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 months, 3 weeks ago
      And THIS is why we cannot abide CBDC's in any shape, manner of form. This is why physical gold, silver (insert your favorite precious metal here) must the path forward for our currency.
      We as a society must ween ourselves off our increasing dependence on computers and digital communications.
      I know, I know, we are so tangled up in the modernity of "The Internet Of Things" it is ubiquitous. Everywhere, everything we touch including our cars are online 24/7/365.

      It is not a matter of if, but when the net goes down.
      You had better have a solid plan B.
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    • Posted by 2 months, 3 weeks ago
      I’m not sure to what to make of the Venezuela elections. The deep state is complaining about Maduro. Blinken spoke to the lack of transparency and the need to audit because he claims it was a fraudulent election….hmmmm. Why are they all calling him out. Maduro recently agreed to sell oil in exchange for cryptocurrency. Time will tell. Also The Smartmatic election system is Venezuelan.
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