Secret Service Director Resigns In Disgrace For Failing To Assassinate Trump

Posted by $ allosaur 6 months, 2 weeks ago to Humor
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Aw, shucks, girl! You really for really real DID give it your all~~didn't you?~~at least of you having to get the hell out of Dodge.
And that after your tenacious show of stubbornous for knowing that Biden never fires screw-ups.
Ya know, with a surname like Cheatle, why not volunteer for the reassignment of counting votes?

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 6 months, 2 weeks ago
    You are really naughty. She was trying so hard to outwit those Congressmen (she should have known better). I would have expected her to have her head more together. But that whole fiasco was part of the plan to take our eyes off the real culprits. Now it is being said Biden doesn't have Covid, he had a stoke while in Las Vegas. Oh yeah, and they didn't even take him to a hospital. Put him on AF1 and took him back to DC, We are to believe all this. Now while folks are calling for proof Mr Biden is still alive, apparently he hasn't been seen in 5 days, they are saying he may be dying, They better be able to prove everything because a lot of folks are gonna be very annoyed if he is dead and that knowledge is being withheld. Glad I'm not a Democrat! All that money that came to Kamala and now the FEC is saying anything sent to Biden has to be refunded to the donors. I'd like to see that happen!.
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