Ayn Rand

Posted by kddr22 2 months ago to Philosophy
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John Galt speaking.

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zN6JV2GXyvg

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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 2 months ago
    Unfortunately, many of the tech, financial and media industry leaders aren’t going to go Galt anytime soon. They are the elite who politically support the administrative state in one form or another. The administrative state has become dangerous behemoth. I have had an experience with the IRS trying to get my tax refund. It took three months after filing my return. I had to get my congressman office involved which they helped getting the refund sent to me. I have no problem seeing the administrative being dismantled. I have no sympathy if the personnel were put out of work. I would say to them go back to school and learn a vocational trade.
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    • Posted by $ splumb 2 months ago
      There are no Midas Mulligans, Francisco D'Anconias, Hank Reardons, or Dagny Taggarts.

      They're all Horace Bussby Mowens, who approve of what's being done, or James Taggarts and Orren Boyles, who are actively participating in it.
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  • Posted by 2 months ago
    And David Kelley commenting. These ideas are so critical today. Sometimes I wonder how long I can continue.
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    • Posted by 2 months ago
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 2 months ago
        Maybe me dino is a tad off subject but~~
        "To each according to his ABILITY caused me to think of some of Biden's illegal aliens now housed in paid for by what's no longer "We The People's" government sponging off room and board (and free cell phones, free medical attention and who knows what else?) according to their whatever the hell else is their needs.
        You betcha they'll vote Democrat if handed a ballot en route to a ballot harvesting drop box. I read somewhere that Biden has admitted that's the whole idea.
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        • Posted by diessos 1 month, 4 weeks ago
          Drop boxes have been approved in Wisconsin by their Madison-Liberal-Nutjob supreme court. So Biden wins Minnesota, Wiscons and Michigan. No proof of citizenship is required in most states. Tough for Trump to win in the electoral college
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 1 month, 4 weeks ago
            Trump needs a serious landslide to beat another organized cheat
            If Orange Man Bad does, he will again be accused of what the evildoers tried to do.
            Also expect Antifa to again riot and destroy businesses in cities run by compliant blue meanies with lib mental disorders.
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