Fox News Takes the Bait on the Draft

Posted by $ Abaco 2 months, 3 weeks ago to News
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My wife likes to have the news on in the background. I just looked and saw that Fox News is discussing whether or not women should be included in the upcoming military inscription. See how that works? No longer is the debate whether or not we should enslave our young people to go fight in a bullshit war. No. Now, they've dangled the shiny thing and we're talking about this. The media sets the agenda, and our controllers are brilliant. Things might be very different by this fall...

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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    Perhaps the conversation should be objectively used to instead argue that such an act is slavery and no one of either gender can be enslaved.
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    • Posted by $ 2 months, 3 weeks ago
      I’ve come to realize that the minority of people who’ve studied philosophy and paid any attention to epistemology are very different than the majority. Combine it with engineering and…I’m really a weirdo. I’m routinely floored by things that most don’t even notice. I have worked with a close friend architect who’s also an Atlas Shrugged. One day we were walking out of the offices and I said, “Eric. Am I losing my f*king mind?” We sill laugh about that. I saw this discussion on Fox and immediately knew we’re in trouble. If THIS is the agenda (the media sets it) it’s time to prepare the family for WWIII and pray that I’m wrong.
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    • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 2 months, 2 weeks ago
      I don't think it's slavery, if you're getting paid, room, board and benefits.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 2 weeks ago
        Except for the fact that you were forced to do so and on threat of imprisonment you must follow all orders, give up your time (and perhaps your life) against your will.
        Africans were taken against their will and provided room, board, and "benefits", and imprisoned if they refused to do as ordered.
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        • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 2 months, 2 weeks ago
          Your argument begs the question "Can slavery be voluntarily entered into?".

          I voluntarily enlisted and served a total of 10 years, in which at no time did I ever feel I was a slave.

          If someone could show me, anywhere in history, where mandatory military service, such as the Draft, was legitimately classified as "slavery" I might be won over.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 2 weeks ago
            Thanks for sharing that you voluntarily enlisted.
            Were you free to say, "no thank you" without fear of being drafted?
            Were the risks clearly explained to you?
            If you made the choice with adequate explanation, without any threat,
            and you freely entered into a contract for your labors at a stated rate
            of pay and known risks, then you were not enslaved in that case.
            That is not the case with the draft.
            Has any tyrant been stupid enough to call a military draft as slavery
            and expose his true intentions?
            None that I am aware of.
            To paraphrase a line from Benjamin Franklin in 1776
            Calling a person who has been forced into servitude a free man is like calling an ox a bull.
            He may be thankful for the honor, but he’d much rather have restored what’s rightfully his.
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            • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 2 months, 2 weeks ago
              The draft was not in effect when I enlisted.
              2. The risks were explained by my in-laws, uncles, siblings and parents...but boot camp was still a shock.

              I can't adequately debate the draft. However, the defense of this country is the responsibility of all its citizens, and if that requires the conscription of its young men (as has been done since the Revolutionary War), I won't protest it.
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              • Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 2 weeks ago
                The problem is that they are not being drafted to defend America, but to advance the financial interests of those who are enemies of Americans.
                They are no more than cannon fodder to the uncaring sociopaths in D.C.
                I won't be surprised if they are used to crush resistance by Americans to the state destroying what little individual freedom remains.
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  • Posted by chad 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    If you do not have the right to decide to join in any expedition the leaders decide to get into (war) then you do not own your life, the state does. It then follows that everything else about how you will live, what you will control (property ownership) will be determined by others. We are all political slaves. The state owns us.
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  • Posted by GaryL 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    I didn't have a choice in 1970, get drafted or enlist so I joined the Navy like my father, uncles and brother all did. I do not agree with women in the combat military but maybe shoving all this DEI crap down some throats will cause many to rethink this BS. There are plenty of duties in our military branches that every woman is capable of performing and some woman can be stone cold killers too. Equality swings both ways but Lord help us all.
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    • Posted by nonconformist 2 months, 2 weeks ago
      That's like saying you didn't want a gang to force you to be their cannon fodder slave, so you joined voluntarily instead to get into a less disadvantageous position.

      How about defending yourself and killing them instead? Or maybe just avoiding it by running and hiding?

      Participating in organized crime is not something that one should be proud about.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    The current crop worthless little bastards has gone right past burning draft cards to straight up insurrection. I did my duty....US Army '65 to '70. I enlisted and got into tech training....computer training. Two years in Bangkok was lotsa fun.
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    • Posted by $ 2 months, 2 weeks ago
      I don't have any "duty" to fulfill. Feels great. Don't owe anybody anything. All that said...I appreciate your service and the service of those who came before me. I would have done it in WWII. Not for the other wars. Not out of "duty". But, like my grandfather, wanting to kick some ass.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 months, 2 weeks ago
    My husband served 20 years 3 months and 26 days in the U.S.Army. He was in Korea for the Conflict and visited Viet Nam twice "fighting Aggression in SE Asia." He did not feel women should be in combat. Service behind the lines okay but not in combat. He said it wouldn't work because men are too inclined to protect the female. They would be distracted. I think he was correct.
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    • Posted by $ 2 months, 2 weeks ago
      I think so too. I have an Israeli buddy who served in their special forces. Badass guy. All shot up. In Israel is seems that pregnancy is the out for all those ladies who serve shoulder to shoulder. It's how my buddy met his wife. Haha....
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