List Of Favorite Bible Verses Beloved By Comrade Pope Francis

Posted by $ allosaur 4 months, 4 weeks ago to Humor
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As a kid me dino had a Catholic Bible based on what's called the Latin Vulgate. Hardly opened it. My parents made me attend every Catholic mass as well as during "holy days of obligation." During these masses, the priest always read portion of the Epistles followed by a portion of the Gospels followed by a sermon always on Sundays. So me little dino figured I was getting enough Bible lessons as well as from Sunday school classes I always had to attend.
Every Summer nuns would come to Dothan, Alabama, and kids would attend morning long classes for two weeks. I'll never forget the nun who told us tha Martin Luther is burning forever in hell.
I quit all that as an adult and long story short ended up as a nondenominational Protestant or call me a believer who who just wants to be left alone to think for himself after experimenting with different denomiations.
There were several months during my 21 years as an Alabama Corrections Officer when I kept catching the One Block cubicle 3 or 4 times a week during the early Nineties. It was a secure area where I controlled every door by pushing buttons. That cell block had steel cell doors each with a window (never heard of one breaking) and not bars by the way.
That cube contained a King James Bible. During that time I read that Bible from cover to cover, skipping Chronicles for being just too boring.
The King James version runs close enough to the Catholic version for me an ex-Catholic to say that I have no idea what kind of Scripture the current Pope Francis has ever read.
Maybe it was a manifesto some German exiled to Russia wrote but me dino really has no idea.
In Trending Articles of this Babylon Bee be sure to check out "Catholic Church Distances Self From Pope Francis."

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  • Posted by mhubb 4 months, 4 weeks ago
    that religions would murder people over the meaning of
    "This is my body which is given for you. Do this in memory of me.”

    arguing over just what it meant and how it became to Body of Christ

    they forgot the instructions, just DO IT.
    no reason to murder people over it, to do so looses the whole idea of what was said and why

    this pope is no better
    he is a commie clueless stooge
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    • Posted by $ 4 months, 4 weeks ago
      It is a shame what zealot pinheads have done to each other in the name of the same Christian God.
      Long, long time ago I bought and for whatever the reason no longer have this book that proves that even putrid pinheads can become a Pope.
      A longer book should be written to add additions. Besides Comrade Francis, me dino recalls reading there was a Pope Pius who ignored the Holocaust when Italy was an Axis country during World War Two.
      David the dino got his first name from my father's cousin for a best friend. He in a P51 shot down two Italian planes before a Messerschmidt gave him a burial at sea under the Mediterranean during World War 2.
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