So, if the illegals vote in 2024, we cannot prosecute them if they THOUGHT they were a citizen?
Posted by CaptainKirk 9 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
This is a Short Tucker Carlson interview with Katherine Engelbrecht from True The Vote (I met her a couple of times when I was in the Voter Fraud research world).
Anyways. It doesn't say they are allowed to vote. It basically decriminalized the act.
The WARNING here is that there is NO WAY to remove said votes.
No wonder they wanted the 7+ Million people, and kept referring to them as future voters...
Again, it's no wonder they don't care how unliked Biden is.
Anyways. It doesn't say they are allowed to vote. It basically decriminalized the act.
The WARNING here is that there is NO WAY to remove said votes.
No wonder they wanted the 7+ Million people, and kept referring to them as future voters...
Again, it's no wonder they don't care how unliked Biden is.
(not really)
but what about
welfare fraud
identity theft
lying to our government to be here
crossing the border il-legally
and all the other crimes??
ok, just treat me as an il-legal, then i can do whatever i want
this is what you get America, for going to sleep for decades why the democrat traitors did their work, helped by RINOs
Lying to the FBI is a federal offense. But stealing someone's identity isn't?
Line up the politicians.
Weapons free.
No voting (at this point does it really matter?)
But the big thing is no tax liability. None.
I have a buddy who did it. And yes, he pays NO TAXES!
Hit them where it hurts.
Imagine when 100,000,000 people stop paying our corrupt PoS government their ill-gotten booty?
Yes. A very bold move indeed.
Which is way I have hesitated. For years.
Getting frustrated with the lack of progress on other alternatives.
The ultimate move of "going on strike"
Moving overseas can give a better result (of no taxes) using the existing rules against them.
iirc, living outside the US you can exempt up to $120k of income and deduct up to $120k of
living expenses from income. If you choose a country that only taxes income earned in that
country you might keep all your production (and pension) for your own needs and wants.
Declaring as a resident alien would mean giving up your passport and going overseas in the
future would be very difficult unless you have another passport, imo.
It may be an ideal time to liquidate US fixed assets and reinvest the shrinking USD in
assets that are more likely to have lower taxes and less likely to be subject to seizure
by government powers nearing bankruptcy.
For example, property taxes on residences in countries in South America can be as
low as $100 per year. Medical care in many such places equals or exceeds the quality
of that in the US at a cost that is 60% to 80% lower.
Staying in the US makes little sense financially unless you are a part of the problem.
I have colleagues that have bought and developed property in each one of these places I mentioned.
No one has had any negatives to report (so far)
South America seems to be an ideal direction???
It is a matter of how stable the present government is, and how likely it is to remain stable in the future.
Big questions. Hard to answer questions.
My wife has a colleague (an artist) that bought in and moved to Central Mexico, but I don't cotton to that idea very much.
Got to formulate a plan B if the election is stolen for a second time. Stick a fork in America, she's done.
No point in being a witness to the burning of our once great Republic.
It will just be the wreckage in the rearview mirror.
it much less desirable for "average" income expats.
For those seeking an English language locale, look at Belize
and Malaysia, if you can't afford the Caymans or other British islands.
If Spanish language isn't an obstacle, Paraguay or Ecuador
are attractive affordable possibilities with easy residence
visas and possible citizenship.
I lean toward locations with no winter weather myself.
That is only one metric indicating the volume of the flood exiting the Republic.
I have no Spanish speaking skills.
Perhaps Babble should be on top of the "to-do" list