Harley Davidson Is Woke. Send A Message: Boycott
Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
"Starbuck's anti-woke crusade drives a wedge between the corporation and the customer base, forcing high-level executives to immediately respond, as seen by Tractory Supply and John Deere, or risk 'Bud Lighting' itself (i.e., boycotts). It's a genius move by Starbuck and his team as the anti-woke crusade against companies infected with the woke mind virus gains momentum.
Starbuck claims that under Harley Davidson CEO Jochen Zeitz, the iconic motorcycle brand has been infected with woke activism, supports the Equality Act (which would allow men into girl's bathrooms, sports, and locker rooms), funded all-ages pride events, and required 1,800 employees to undergo virtual LGBTQ+ ally training.
Starbuck notes that Harley Davidson is a founding member of Wisconsin's LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce, sponsored an LGBTQ+ Entrepreneur Bootcamp, and made February and March "Months of Inclusion."
He adds that the company partnered with the United Way for multiple woke training programs, supported the Pennsylvania Youth Congress in creating gender-neutral licenses, and hosted numerous LGBTQ+ events at their corporate office.
Starbuck argues that Harley Davidson has alienated its core freedom-loving blue-collar customers by advocating Marxist ideologies pushed by leftists.
"I don't think the values at corporate reflect the values of nearly any Harley Davidson bikers," he said."
"Starbuck's anti-woke crusade drives a wedge between the corporation and the customer base, forcing high-level executives to immediately respond, as seen by Tractory Supply and John Deere, or risk 'Bud Lighting' itself (i.e., boycotts). It's a genius move by Starbuck and his team as the anti-woke crusade against companies infected with the woke mind virus gains momentum.
Starbuck claims that under Harley Davidson CEO Jochen Zeitz, the iconic motorcycle brand has been infected with woke activism, supports the Equality Act (which would allow men into girl's bathrooms, sports, and locker rooms), funded all-ages pride events, and required 1,800 employees to undergo virtual LGBTQ+ ally training.
Starbuck notes that Harley Davidson is a founding member of Wisconsin's LGBTQ+ Chamber of Commerce, sponsored an LGBTQ+ Entrepreneur Bootcamp, and made February and March "Months of Inclusion."
He adds that the company partnered with the United Way for multiple woke training programs, supported the Pennsylvania Youth Congress in creating gender-neutral licenses, and hosted numerous LGBTQ+ events at their corporate office.
Starbuck argues that Harley Davidson has alienated its core freedom-loving blue-collar customers by advocating Marxist ideologies pushed by leftists.
"I don't think the values at corporate reflect the values of nearly any Harley Davidson bikers," he said."
that is my conclusions
they are perverts
Perverts and predators.
They totally screwed Eric Buell, a GREAT innovator in the motorcycle space, flat-torque, low inertia (turning), inside-out brakes, etc. Buell was disparaged by the motorcycle pretty people, but now Buell's innovations are incorporated in the designs of the all the mainstream ... now that they don't have to admit it came from outside. Harley stopped supplying engine, and Buell went to Rotax. Then they just came in a shut the whole operation down, without warning. They were not losing $. Harley Davidson just sucks. I try to buy US as much as possible, but would NEVER own a Harley now.
My next motorcycle will likely be electric, but if I get a gas one, it will NOT be Harley or BMW.
A real biker ain't giving up his gas powered bike any time soon, though. Those things will be riding around LONG AFTER I AM GONE!
The bottom has fallen out of the Harley market and stupid moves like this only hurt them more.
I met his buddies at a bar in MI a few times.
They ALL reminded me of "Bikers for Trump" groups. All sprouting beer bellies, deep respect, and a desire to be LEFT ALONE (almost as strong as their ability to DEFEND each other).
While it was almost uncomfortable the first time you walk in, and you feel NAKED without leather... I quickly found them to be much more like farmers (varied and more educated than most people would realize).
ZERO Wokeness in these people.
Fiercely Independent.
Incredibly Loyal!
Me dino with clenched teeth awaits the first TV commerical with a D.E.I. clownish looking for a horrendously ugly as all hell painted-up drag queen as she/he/IT lifts a frilly skirt, baring pink fishnet stockings to perch a stuck-out tush atop a Harley seat. Next that thing girlishly giggles before kick-starting the engine, gunning it to make it go VROOM! VROOM! VROOM!~~blows a kiss and so daintily creeps off at 5MPH glide.
That's when an announcer with a soprano voice states, "Oh, the joy! We at Harley Davidson are so into diversity, equity and incluuu-ooo-sion! Ta! Ta! Only salespersons of color awaits to show you our line of go-go two wheelers. Hee-hee, Some run on three! What's more? Woo-woo! Some even have four! Ta-ta for now, sugar babies! Mmmmm~kiss, kiss, kiss!"
That white haired old lady has 10 years on me and I have no idea if I'll make it to 84.
The older I get the more dead people I know.
When I was 73 an age 37 relative ate lunch at a table where he worked, got up to walk away and dropped dead from a massive heart attack.
At his funeral I kept turning the numbers 37 and 73 back and forth in my mind, asking myself why he had to die and why did I last so long.
You just never know when your number is up.
I was able to walk away from a wreck that totaled my car last summer. Having survived other times when I could have been killed makes me wonder if I'll soon run out of a cat's 9 lives.
I drink a double espresso first thing in the morning.
Alas, the old Harley enthusiasts that I remember, you know, the guys with beards and the girls with their tits hanging out, not the other way around, are mostly too old to ride now.
My uncle just gave away his '72 Shovelhead to a young friend, because at 83, he's too old to ride it to Daytona any more, and at 66, I'm too old to ask for it.