Our Gulchers in Baja

Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 2 weeks ago to Ask the Gulch
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I was thinking about the couple who used to be regulars on here. He was a patent attorney and I can't quite remember what she did. Nice people. Are they still here at all? My football-addled brain is a little fuzzy on the names.

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  • Posted by Lucky 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    Ah yes. KH was a frequent contributor with many sensible comments.
    DH was not here so often but put up a few presentations which were very relevant and good. I did not save them but remember his outline of economics- we have all learnt that economics primarily is about the allocation of scarce resources, DH says:
    No, the prime purpose of economics is How to get more.

    They went off to Dominica I think.
    D and K Halling- if reading this, come back to the Gulch.
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