Disney's Next Star Wars Will Give Us Lesbian Witches Who Will Use The Force To Get Pregnant
Bet some of you think me dino has dug up another Babylon Bee. Been a while but guess what? You'd be wrong!
Before Disney became a bad for a sad Woke joke, back during the Seventies I read somewhere that the first original Star Wars (now called "A New Hope") was supposed to be a movie for kids that parents would also really enjoy.
Well, what self-respecting parents would take little kids to some sick flick with lesbians using space alien voodoo to knock themselves up?
Oh, I know! Libtarded parents and public school educators okay with subjecting little kids to drag queen storybook sicko hours and gay porno in school libraries.
Click the link and prepare to get slimed in a galaxy far, far away a long time ago.
Oh, by the way, when I first spotted this article in my email, me dino clicked on to what was entitled "Disney Slaughters Star Wars Franchise."
Before Disney became a bad for a sad Woke joke, back during the Seventies I read somewhere that the first original Star Wars (now called "A New Hope") was supposed to be a movie for kids that parents would also really enjoy.
Well, what self-respecting parents would take little kids to some sick flick with lesbians using space alien voodoo to knock themselves up?
Oh, I know! Libtarded parents and public school educators okay with subjecting little kids to drag queen storybook sicko hours and gay porno in school libraries.
Click the link and prepare to get slimed in a galaxy far, far away a long time ago.
Oh, by the way, when I first spotted this article in my email, me dino clicked on to what was entitled "Disney Slaughters Star Wars Franchise."
And not just working for Disney! A few years back here in The Gulch I pointed out that some Democrat congress creatures look like Star Wars villains.
Hey, wowee! Lookit what memes I suddenly felt inspired to go hunt and come back while I could still edit~~
There's a coupla anti-Trumps me no likes such as meme #2 top.
For a fact that 'un be plain stupid. Some dense hen on The View would come up with that.
New thought~~that's not necessarily true if enough people yearn for a specific repetition that lands close enough to what happened in the past. .
The bill simply blocked teachers from grooming children in kindergarten through third grade into the transgender lifestyle through sexually-inappropriate curriculum.
When you rub it my grandchildren's face, now we have a problem.
This goes beyond that. This is satanic, pure evil.
Take note: The normalization of Satanism is now everywhere.
If we don't call them out when we see it, it will become the new normal.
Is this the world you want to live in? To bring your progeny up in?
How do they do that? It's a miss/ter-y!
A grand opportunity for a pick-up game of Mystery Science 3k.
Reminds me of George Carlin, I think from Class Clown, those under breath cliches.
I have tried to be both a mother and a father to you.
Go F**k yourself!
Me dino has more than one movie TV channel. Vaguely recall channel surfing when I caught part of a movie in which a genie kinda person~~or was it one of those Leprechaun monster flicks?~~told a male victim to "go F**k yourself."
Poor male victim screamed as he began to uncontrollably kill himself. That death must have been a real ball-breaker among other things
There just wasn't D.E.I. back then trying to get into everybody's face. I do believe the Woke movement had yet to be created when I read that the beast in Disney's Beauty And The Beast was to be gay.
My thought then was "Thanks, Disney, for pushing gay into the faces of families off to see a movie for their little kids."
When the very first pre-Disney's takeover Star Wars came out, later to become Chapter 4 "A New Hope," that flick was touted to be a kids movie parents that take them could also enjoy.
Disney has become just as bad as control freak lib teachers who can't let innocent little kids be innocent little kids.
That's where I stand. I'm not looking to get into a pissing match either. I DO appreciate you jogging my memory, though. The Christian dino now also recalls shrugging that fictional virgin birth off.
After all, it took place in a make-believe galaxy far, far away a long time ago. Previously seeing ancient Greek gods in movies never bothered me either.
Three of several words listed are unclean, filthy and corrupt.
Why did the term "devil's work" just up and jump into me dino's head?
An answer just came along~~I've seen more horror movies than I can possibly recall.
If fact, I've seen so many it's a rare flick that can actually scare me any more.
I'll never forget the first time I heard G. Gordon Liddy say "Liberalism is a mental disorder" on my car radio during the Nineties. He came up with "San Fransicko" at about the same time.
Seeing that BS mind control movement universally shown for what it really is would be worth it.