Atlas Shrugs Twice Individualism among Incompetency and Injustice

Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 2 weeks ago to Philosophy
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"One fateful day in March 2020, the incompetent men shut down the world with lockdowns. It was the opposite of the premise in Atlas Shrugged. Who is John Galt? Who cares? The incompetent people could stop the motor of the world too. Atlas shrugs either by disappearing competence, or by an overwhelming mass of incompetence too great even for Atlas’s broad, strong shoulders.

Competency crises seem to be brewing left and right and are constantly on public display of late. Consider the self-interested testimony of Fani Willis. Jared Bernstein, the chair of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, caused an interview to go viral by struggling to explain monetary policy. Several previously 100% effective COVID vaccines have been withdrawn from the market (Johnson and Johnson, AstraZeneca). Lastly, consider the inspiring image of our own Secretary of Defense triumphantly marching off his plane in the Philippines wearing his COVID mask and face shield. It is not-so-reminiscent of the image of General MacArthur triumphantly marching onshore at Luzon to liberate the Philippines. It is difficult to observe these things and think, These are competent individuals.

General Douglas MacArthur wades ashore during initial landings at Leyte, Philippine Islands. Army Signal Corp Photo, NARA ID 531424
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In Ayn Rand’s novel, the competent individuals who build businesses, products, and industries all go on strike and suddenly disappear. The resulting world becomes increasingly bleak. Government takes a larger role. Simple things start to break. Less value is provided and at the same time everything is more expensive. That sounds much like the world we begin to find ourselves in today."

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    I can tell you that among government health officials the competent all left quietly, seemingly in the dead of night several years ago. Long before Covid. That’s really why we had the lockdown of course. In the field of engineering many have vanished. The space that was filled with expertise is now taken up by wide-eyed rookies and schmoozers. (See Boeing, where I started long ago)

    And, I thought that photo of our Sec of Defense was fake! No?! Holy shit…
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  • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    i'd guess this is part of the reason space exploration was cut back so much

    they do not want competent people leaving the Earth for greener places with Freedom and Liberty

    making a Galt's Gulch on Earth still leaves you are the "mercy" of those playing with nuclear war
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