In Defense Of Standardized Testing

Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 2 weeks ago to Education
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"There’s been a lot of noise about getting rid of standardized exams. Supposedly, minorities are at a disadvantage with them. Consequently, the argument runs, doing away with standardized exams will allow more minorities to enter into prestigious career paths, enhancing “social justice.”

If you look more closely at the history of standardized exams, however, this isn’t true. Instead, getting rid of standardized exams serves the interests of an elite class—and will permanently lock minorities and entire classes of people out of social advancement.

Standardized tests have already been eliminated in a number of places. Oregon, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire no longer have bar exams. The University of California no longer uses Standardized Admission Tests as part of its entrance requirement, just like SUNY and an association of Ivy League universities. And in Canada, many provinces are decreasing the use of standardized tests.

But here’s the problem. Without the tests, how do we decide who gets admitted to university?"

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  • Posted by Lucky 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    The system used in China had some merit. Applicants for the imperial service had to compose and write poetry in the classical language.

    Today, public servants put out press releases in a special coded language intended to obscure. It may not help communication but how much better it would look if they wrote in the language of pre-revolutionary America - Nathaniel Hawthorne - in fact the style of the King James Bible.
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  • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    "and will permanently lock minorities and entire classes of people out of social advancement."

    this has always been the goal of the democrat party
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