What if it WAS a cyber attack?

Posted by $ rainman0720 7 months, 1 week ago to Technology
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Or, perhaps a dry run at one? Maybe someone at CrowdStrike is a bad guy in disguise, and while he/she knew an attack would have a major impact, decided to slide a bad line of code into the world just to see how much of an impact.

Now that this agent knows what will happen, let's fast forward to Tuesday evening, November 5th. The returns are coming in, and Trump is winning by too large of a margin for Dems to manufacture enough votes to steal another election.

So what's a desperate political party to do? Why, send another update to the world via CrowdStrike, and shut down the entire election process.

Or maybe they realize in late October that they don't have the snowball's proverbial chance in Hell of defeating Trump in an election.

So what's a desperate political party to do?

Why, slip an even bigger bomb into the cyber world via CrowdStrike, which will take down even more of everything. The current regime can then declare martial law, and voila, Trump doesn't win the election---because there is no election.

I'm thinking about buying stock in both Apple and IBM (who owns Red Hat), as I strongly suspect that over the next 12-24 months, a LOT of business and government entities currently running Windows wil be either Mac OS or some flavor of Linux.

The scariest thing to me is just how fast everyone came to realize that CrowdStrike is now the single most important IT or IT-related company in the entire world.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 months ago
    What if it was a successful attempt to destroy evidence of involvement in the assassination attempt
    on Trump by forcing thousands of computers to restore to a backup from the previous week?
    Purely speculation.
    But it would be a better way than destroying a single site where the evidence was stored,
    e.g., WTC Building Seven.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
      The System is redundant ten thousand ways to Sunday.
      And backed up ten thousand more.
      Think about it for one minute, If it were not robust, you would not have the reliability of the internet you have today.
      You would not trust the internet to tie your shoes.
      BTW WTC 7 was dustified. Less than 10% of the entire building was recovered to be hauled away as rubble.
      Riddle me that Batman?
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      • Posted by $ 7 months ago
        I think I missed that memo...can you either give me a short explanation of your WTC7 comments, or provide a link or two that explains? I hate being ignorant.
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
          Please read ":Where Did The Towers Go?" by Judy Wood.
          Quoting the famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes "Once all that is impossible is eliminated, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth"
          From Dr Wood: "You can speculate about persons or motives but until you answer what happened you cannot get to the truth"
          Dr. Wood expertly eliminates, one by one, all the the theories and speculations on what happened. How were the towers taken down?
          Over 850 pages of detailed scientific analysis. Illustrated with 100's and 100's of photographs and diagrams.
          Once all the BS, lies and propaganda is parsed out, what remains is truly astounding. What is more astounding is that the technology to disassociate matter has been with us for over 100 years.
          Tesla Technology.
          WT7 (and the Two Towers) was detmolecularized, taken apart literally atom by atom.
          The dust that hung in the air of NYC for 2 weeks was submicroscopic sized particles: 0.5 microns.
          To put this in prospective, human red blood cells range from 6 to 8 microns across. This is why people got so sick, the sub micron dust entered the lungs, carried through the circuitry system then crossed the brain-blood barrier.
          The book is Graduate level reading. Dr Wood does her best to kept the explanations in layman terms, but the science is deep and intense. Hard to make it super simple and still get the critical information across
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 7 months, 1 week ago
    What I don't get is why companies don't use products from multiple cybersecurity companies so that a cyberattack against one company does not leave one vulnerable!
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    • Posted by $ 7 months, 1 week ago
      Absolutely agree with you. If you're investing, you don't spend all your money buying stock in one company; you buy stock in different companies, knowing that even if one doesn't do well, you don't lose everything if that's all you have.

      I don't see why cyber security should be any different. If I was running a Fortune 500 company, I'd make damn sure that no one single event like this could shut us down. And I would definitely have a DR box that relied on some product other than the one that took my main box down.

      You're absolutely right. It just doesn't make sense.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
      I Have a degree in BSIT.
      A simple Microsoft update cannot possibly cause this extent of service disruption.
      No one single failure, (or hack) in any part of the system can possibly cause this extent of service disruption.
      No Way. No How.
      There is far too much redundancy built into the system for this to be allowed to happen.
      Can you imagine how unreliable your internet service would be if it were so easily taken down?
      This was an inside job. No Doubt About It.
      How can I be so certain?
      Look at what happened in the space of a 10 day window:
      Attempted assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse
      Attempted assassination of President Trump.
      BuyDumb forcibly removed from power, his powers (illegally) delegated to unelected cabinet bureaucrats, not the VP.
      Yet VP undemocratically nominated for POTUS (were you asked to vote for this?) but not allowed to take the helm?
      If she is less competent than Old Slow Joe, the Speaker of the House becomes POTUS.
      Period. End of Discussion.
      Is Continuity of Government (COG) in play here?
      Are we already under Marshal Law?
      Something stinks like yesterdays diapers here.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 months ago
    Crowd Strike runs on Apple and on Linux.
    Now, it is usually in the high-end versions.

    This can EASILY be attributed to "Dumb Coding" as Dave's Garage has called it out. They did NOT validate the header of the file... WTF. The file contained all ZEROES. And they loaded it, crashing the machines.

    Regardless... If we use computing devices we have ZERO security and ZERO privacy. Because YOU CANNOT KNOW what your device is really doing.

    The problem is that we should not have to. We should be protected. But the WOLVES are guarding the systems!
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 7 months ago
    Microsoft has been very effective running a customer brainwashing campaign, even before Windows existed. As an Apple advocate on government projects I was barraged with lectures about how a command line interface (the pre-Windows system) was far superior to a graphic user interface (GUI), because the GUI made it possible for "computer ignorant" persons to interact and "screw things up" because they didn't understand what they were doing.

    Once the Windows GUI became the standard, advocates declared it was obviously superior to the Apple interface, even when they'd never sat in front of an Apple screen. The fact that the Microsoft system still crashed with far more regularity than Apple was taken as a sign that the Microsoft system had more problems because it was "more sophisticated and complex" than the Apple.

    Later, after Apple revised its operating system, basing it on Unix for increased security, Microsoft fell back on the "well machines with our system are cheaper" argument. I worked for Lockheed, supporting the National Geospatial intelligence Agency (NGA), the entity that controls all of the technical systems that the other agencies use. When NGA decided that continued support for its Unix workstations was too expensive, the director was sold the idea that converting to a Windows system would be cheap. I tried, unsuccessfully, to suggest they consider either Apple machines or Linux operating systems since that wouldn't require a complete rewrite of all their software, and would be more secure than a Windows system. Of course the end result was long program delays, an extremely expensive software conversion, and security patches on a biweekly basis.

    Will this latest fiasco make some people think about going to alternatives? I seriously doubt it, anymore than I might imagine green new deal fanatics to finally recognize reality.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 7 months ago
      I agree that it won't make many go to alternatives for 4 reasons:
      a) The fedgov is corrupt and MSFT pays better bribes. They won't change until the systems completely break and then lower level bureaucrats will be blamed.
      b) For companies, the effort to convert now is like another year 2000 effort and most executives will get bonuses based on not spending on more secure systems today.
      They kick the can down the road for another incompetent executive. A few companies with exceptional management will (or already have) switched.
      c) For individuals and small businesses it's just too much trouble to learn (train employees) to learn to use a new GUI (again) when things are working ok now.
      d) A lot of businesses are already using Linux/Unix (or iOS) and don't have to change.

      I am in the "c"/"d" groups. I've used MSFT OS because the cost of hardware was MUCH lower for decades, software enhancement alternatives
      were many, varied, and inexpensive, and analysis of what I use a computer for gave me no benefit (and significant disincentives) to switch
      completely to iOS or Linux. I'm now using both Linux and unsupported Win7 (modified to operate like WinXP.) My websites are on Linux servers.
      If I was asked what any small business should start using today, it would be Linux, but I'm no expert on how to best serve today's phone oriented customers.
      The iphone interface and the android interface both leave much to be desired for me, but both are remarkable achievements, imo.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 months ago
        As someone who has written windows software for DECADES and GW-BASIC software before that...

        I can tell you that moving to the WEB is a blessing and a curse. I no longer write as much CLIENT software. Going for web based software... Which runs fine on Linux systems...

        In 10-15 years I predict a TON of people will retire away from MSFT Windows. Google sheets runs in a browser. A lot of microsoft office can run in a browser.

        Pretty soon, we will only have browsers and "apps"... Very few windows or computer specific programs for "Average Users/Home Users".

        That writing is on the wall, IMO.
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      • Posted by $ 7 months ago
        You make good points, but if I'm running a business and my company was brought to a standstill by this, I owe it to every stockholder, employee, and customer of my company to strongly consider making a change that all but prevents this from happening again.

        Do I expect half the companies to change? No.

        But would it surprise me to find that two out of every ten Windows users starts a project to detail what it would take to convert to Mac OS or Linux, and half of the actually convert? Not in the least.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 7 months ago
          I agree they will 'do something' but it won't be to leave MSFT.
          Most will probably hire consultants from MSFT to "improve security", imo.
          It's like the early 80's when almost no one was going to switch from IBM mainframe hardware to anything
          else, only it's worse now since there are billions of end users/customers trained on that interface.
          Corporate executives and managers can be unbelievably dense.
          I wonder if the insurance companies are selling policies that protect this risk yet.
          I did just receive an email from my web hosting company asking if I want to upgrade security though. ;^)
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 months ago
    DNC server(s).
    Did Russia 'break-in' to DNC server(s)?
    Why did FBI accept 'indirect' evidence re: DNC server(s) 'hack''break-in' by CROWDSTRIKE [Ukraine]?
    Why didn't FBI 'directly' investigate DNC server(s) [in-hand]?
    Download speed internal data DL vs remote? [1]
    How does one provide content to WL?
    >person-to-person [1]
    Personal comms [secured] prior to release? [1]
    The (Source(s)):
    >Feeder [1]
    >Recipient [1]
    Interning for the DNC can be deadly.
    Does CROWDSTRIKE possess 'gov_capablity' to trace 'break-in' route(s)?
    Does CROWDSTRIKE possess 'gov_capability' re: foreign intercepts?
    Possible to layer/insert code [CROWDSTRIKE] to designate intruder [intended target]?
    NSA data_bridge DNC-CROWDSTRIKE [bulk data collection]
    Matters of National Security [Highest Levels].
    FISA is only the beginning.
    The hole is DEEP.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 7 months ago

      This cyber outage is from code inserted into Microsoft from Crowdstrike.
      Is this to cause the election to be cxld. Microsoft is used by Dominion and others.

      Apr 30, 2020 5:04:19 PM EDT
      Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1656e4 No. 8976611
      Was the DNC was hacked by Russia?
      Seth Rich internal DL hand-to-hand pass USA?
      CROWDSTRIKE code insert?
      If FBI [CHAIN OF COMMAND] was corrupt what other investigations were corrupted?
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 7 months ago
        CROWDSTRIKE server is located in Ukraine.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 7 months ago
          Speaking to Zelensky on the perfect phone call Trump asked “I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike
          [sic]... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it.”

          CrowdStrike is a U.S-based security software vendor that went public in June and now has a market cap of $13.9 billion. The stock was down nearly 4% on Wednesday after the release of the summary, but later recovered slightly, closing down 0.8%.

          Trump seems to be referring to CrowdStrike’s role in investigating the 2016 breach of the Democratic National Committee’s servers. Information from those servers was later leaked to the press, revealing confidential discussions among staffers running Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and other information. The U.S. Department of Justice ultimately charged 12 Russian intelligence officers with hacking the servers to interfere with the presidential election.

          Trump has previously suggested that the DNC should have turned over the email servers to the FBI instead of having CrowdStrike investigate, implying that the lack of cooperation should cast doubt on findings that the Russians helped him win the election.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 7 months ago
    Trump was impeached on the perfect phone call with Zelensky. Remember him saying “ They , say you have the server. Crowdstrike, Crowdstrike you have the server .”
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  • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 1 week ago
    i can tell you the place i work for used to test software updates before they were released to all computers in the company, i know i used to be part of that process

    this process was ended several years ago
    and the company was hit hard by this

    it is not easy to fix computers that cannot boot by an automatic process
    the computers are not running long enough to get updates, not being able to finish the entire boot process

    that companies take updates from ANYONE without verifying they are functional is simply insane
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    • Posted by $ 7 months, 1 week ago
      I retired after four decades of writing and maintaining application computer code. I think everyone who has done that for a career has thought "I'll just make this one small change, make one quick test, and implement it" and then have it blow up in their faces. I know I have. So I can see, at least in theory, how this could have happened. But being a card-carrying conspiracy theorist, my gut tells me that there is much more to this than just a bad line of code. This is one of those times I hope I'm wrong about it being more than an honest mistake, because the other options scares the crap out of me.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 7 months ago
        Yeah, very scary! Me dino is virtually a card carrying conspiracy theorist too.
        My #1 pet theory is that our Deep State colluded with Dr. Fauci (a part of the Deep State?) and the CCP to release the COVID virus for the sole purpose of trashing Trump's reelection.
        All who died from the disease and that sham for an inoculated cure was viewed as acceptable collateral damage.
        That is in the same way that deaths, rapes and sundry other sorts of felonious criminality caused by the Demonrat border invasion that followed is also viewed as acceptable collateral damage for the goal of obtaining perpetual one-party rule.
        It is all connected as a conspiracy to destroy our Constitutional Republic while its enemies repeatedly bray about the treasonous crap they pull "is to save our democracy."
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        • Posted by $ Stormi 7 months ago
          One cannot trust Fauci nor Gates. Gaes has long had a quirky sysem which a few years ago turned on computers all over the globe at night, and changed bios and downloaded faulty and unwanted updates. This is the gmone who was at pehophile Isle, created covid19 online, called fro epopulation andsaid vaccines were the way to go. Now, we have airdrops of bioweapon practice at Dugway Proving Ground in Mt. Seems few can be trusted and add in the CIA and that bunch are they would take us out in a nano secMeanwhile, graphene oxide went into brains of billions gl with mRNA vax, which DARPA was to use to study, alter or shut us down. They said they back out, but who else might access it with 4G?
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        • Posted by $ 7 months ago
          In order:
          Nice to have you in the club; puts me in good company.

          Agreed; no way was the timing of Covid random or accidental.

          Agreed, and agreed; collateral damage is fine, since they have shown time and time again that they're willing to do anything to hold onto power, and that it's justified by any means necessary.

          And don't you love it when the party that's trying to convince us Trump will be the end of Democracy, when they absolutely destroy the democratic process in their own primary?
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  • Posted by term2 7 months ago
    I am inclined to think it was a cyber attack to scare everyone. I am voting for Trump in any agent but I am also going to temporarily reduce my dependence on the economy and particularly on the web just in case
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 7 months ago
    If these flimsy systems are the foundation of our air travel isn't Bootyjidge in charge of that? That guy really is right out of Atlas Shrugged. He's beyond incompetent.
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    • Posted by $ 7 months ago
      Be nice if South Bend would secede and start its own state, so he wouldn't be known as a Hoosier anymore. I think I'm more qualified to be a surgeon than he is to run Transportation.
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  • Posted by mhubb 7 months ago
    this was not a cyber attack
    it was much worse

    this stupid company just told the world it has a back-door into ALL their computers, with this software

    so what other companies have similar back-doors???

    this by-passed ALL normal routes of protection, just like a Microsoft Update can do

    think on that
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