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  • Posted by $ 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    I first heard of COVID in December 2019. My BFF said she had a virus (unnamed). She lived in San Antonio, Texas. I immediately called a friend of mine who shall remain anonymous and he said, 'Don't believe this darling, it's a Bioweapon. I am well acquainted with Fauci. HE IS A NUT. I am sorry about your BFF. She will be okay if they do 'nothing' about it'. But this friend loves hospitals and bounced right in the door. She almost died. I, however, got it and had six puny feeling days and one day a temp of 102. Then no more COVID. Which was diagnosed as COVID with antibodies in my blood. Smart Primary Care Physician who said, 'No hospital.' Since I'd had Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, and 3 other unnamed bouts of flu, I didn't go to the hospital. I did however, lose 42 pounds and since I haven't regained that weight am unsure if it had anything to do with COVID.. My doctor advised me against the hospital because like millions of people, I have a compromised auto-immune condition. Crazy Thyroid in my case. Then BFF and another friend took all the vaxes they could get. I took none because when I was given a Small Pox vax as a child my mother almost stomped the school authorities because they administered it to me 3 times and it didn't 'take'. She said no more. Ashkenazi mom. She was fearless. nb
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    • Posted by $ 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      When I see my two friends, which is seldom because they live far away from me in Texas. One in San Antonio and the other so far West it's 700 miles. These lovely ladies are still suffering from the backlash of Covid and it's vaccines. One has what they call 'Long Covid' whatever that is.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Well...If somebody isn't a Republican or conservative and they want to just control people and make them do things they normally wouldn't do...get them to submit...These types of people are given free reign. Pretty simple equation, really.
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