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  • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 4 weeks ago
    i saw one lie, saying neither address government interference in our lives

    Trump worked to reduce government regulation, that is clearly reducing the level of government in our lives
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  • Posted by 7 months, 4 weeks ago
    Thanks for commenting. I think that Donna was referring to the questions asked by the moderators, all of them: What would you do for....? I don't think she was referring to the candidate records. Yes, Trump eliminated eight regulations for every one he introduced and saved each American family an estimated $3,000 a year. Now, the Supreme Count he constituted has delivered the biggest blow in 40 years to government regulation: the WSJ headine was "a great deal for liberty." Trump.
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  • Posted by Tavolino 7 months, 3 weeks ago
    An interesting old letter from Ayn Rand was, and is, very apropos today.

    To the great credit of the American people, the polls taken immediately after the Democratic Convention showed a significant drop in McGovern's popularity and a significant rise in Nixon's. At this writing, Nixon leads by the enormous figure of 26%.

    I am not an admirer of President Nixon, as my readers know. But I urge every able-minded voter, of any race, creed, color, age, sex, or political party, to vote for Nixon – as a matter of national emergency. This is no longer an issue of choosing the lesser of two commensurate evils. The choice is between a flawed candidate representing Western civilization – and the perfect candidate of its primordial enemies.

    If there were some campaign organization called "Anti-Nixonites for Nixon," it would name my position.

    The worst thing said about Nixon is that he cannot be trusted, which is true: he cannot be trusted to save this country. But one thing is certain: McGovern can be trusted to destroy it.

    Observing today's ghastly condition, if you substituted Trump for Nixon and Biden for McGovern in 2020, we would realize the profundity of this letter written nearly fifty years prior. Let's not make the same mistake in 2024. While we can't guarantee Trump will save the country, we can be sure any "establishment" candidate will continue to erode our freedoms and take us to the point of no return.
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  • Posted by Lucky 7 months, 3 weeks ago
    Thanks for putting up the Savvy Street article which I may have missed otherwise.
    The contributors all made excellent points and brought up the related background.

    After reading, it is interesting to compare the different views given by the four, especially that they all share our less government objective. Perhaps that objective takes a second place when the problem is outright chicanery, gross election fraud and misuse/weaponization of the justice system.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 7 months, 3 weeks ago
    I wonder why Trump did not address the Ukraine situation through the Minsk Agreements of 2014 and 1991.
    Ukraine is a self governing participant in a Commonwealth. One of the agreements is not to participate in NATO. Harris prompted the Russian military response by "suggesting" Ukraine join. BIG missed (or avoided?) opportunity.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 7 months, 3 weeks ago
      Probably avoided. Trump (rightfully or wrongfully) sticks to 8th grade talking points. And sticks with repetition. His job is not to educate.

      He even NAILED the vaccine issue. "I created the vaccine, but he's the one who mandated. It's the mandates that the people hated!"

      Wow. Talk about walking a razors edge right there. Near PERFECTION in messaging. Effectively saying I handed him a working vaccine, and then HE SCREWED the pouch and injured people with it. (Good messaging is generic enough to be interpreted differently by different people. Think: Yes We Can! It says nothing. It is interpreted as a positive statement of overcoming being suppressed by some, and outright Communism by others as it's applied to taking from those that have too much!)

      Unfortunately, Gulchers are clearly in the top 1% of educated on both sides. We can speak to nuances 99% of the population will never comprehend. To quote Trump: "It's Sad!"
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