Is Fast Food Affordable Anymore? McDonald's Food Pricing Has Doubled In 10 Years, 3 Times The Fedgov's Reported Inflation Rate.
Posted by freedomforall 7 months ago to Economics
"Whether it’s for speed, convenience, or price, it’s no secret that Americans love fast food. Convenience aside, fast food has also been considered one of the most budget-friendly options to feed your family outside of cooking at home.
However, fast foodies claim menu prices have skyrocketed in recent years, prompting backlash online and on social media.
Have fast food prices really changed so dramatically? And if so, by how much? To find out, our team at FinanceBuzz collected pricing data for a dozen different chain restaurants over the last decade. We then calculated how much prices have risen in that timeframe and compared it to the overall inflation rate in the same period."
"Whether it’s for speed, convenience, or price, it’s no secret that Americans love fast food. Convenience aside, fast food has also been considered one of the most budget-friendly options to feed your family outside of cooking at home.
However, fast foodies claim menu prices have skyrocketed in recent years, prompting backlash online and on social media.
Have fast food prices really changed so dramatically? And if so, by how much? To find out, our team at FinanceBuzz collected pricing data for a dozen different chain restaurants over the last decade. We then calculated how much prices have risen in that timeframe and compared it to the overall inflation rate in the same period."
Rib-eye and pork loin (friend can't eat beef due to lone-star tick-borne allergy) with fresh corn and salad last night.
That would be absolutely dreadful, because although we do eat a few veggies, our diet is mostly meat, meat, meat, and especially mammal meat. Interesting your friend can eat pork, as they are also mammals. I thought alpha-gal was mammal-specific.
He regained the ability to eat pork after about 3 years.
He's tempted to try beef, but the test still shows beef as
a much higher risk at present. He's delighted to be able
to eat pork again though. Makes a big difference in his
pursuit of happiness. ;^)
Glad that the "allergy" has started to abate, though at our age (70s) we probably wouldn't get the benefit of that.
TBH, I used to eat fastfood every day prior to 2018. It was fast/cheap, I didn't KNOW how bad it was for my health.
Going carnivore in 2018 changed everything. THEN I started Fasting...
When you have ONLY 1 meal per day. You THINK MUCH MORE about that meal. You want something good.
I've all but stopped eating away from the house. It's not worth the Russian Roulette you play with ingredients.
It's a rule of scarcity. As things become scarce (meals), you actually value them more (duh).
I am SO HAPPY to see these prices. When I can buy a dozen eggs for $2 ... Why would I spend $2 for a SINGLE FOLDED egg at a FastFood Place. Heck, even a $1 egg seems expensive.
But, if I am traveling, and have few choices. Those are reasonable exceptions.
But since my life DOES depend on it, I can for sure tell you the price of eating garbage passed on as food in these eateries.
ETA I agree with you that most of us had no idea how bad these foods were for us. I certainly didn't know.
We are super fortunate. We live better today than Kings and Queens did 150 years ago!
Yeah, we have some issues... But they are such better issues than our ancestors faced!
no thanks
better places to go than them
Then there's all that overhead, advertising, and paying for the button pusher
'servers' with african women's studies Masters degrees who can't make change.
i tried making them at home, you need the right kind of potato or they brown due to the sugar
there is an ice cream stand down the road that has burgers and fries for a decent price, they just went up, but still cheaper
the "fast food" places are pricing themselves out of business
As much as I avoid "Mickey D's" this is likely an indication of how badly the gub'mint underestimates the inflation rate. They focus on corporate and bank rates and ignore the food and fuel that are major components of the average middle class citizen's outlay. The real inflation rate is the change in he ratio of [the amount of money in circulation] / [how much gold is in Ft. Knox to back it up]. Plain and simple, but I suspect they don't want that posted.
If you want your kids to grow up avoiding a certain slimy restaurant, just tell them, when they ask, and with a somber voice and a look of concern: "~that's~ that place with the Bad Clown."
Because of the obesity epidemic, governments started taxing soft drinks. Now, their mandated wage structures are killing the fast food industry.
Now all we need is for the Biden administration to take credit for it...