Repudiation, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 9 months ago to Government
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Broke governments are rapacious, stealing all they can through taxes, inflation, and outright confiscation. It’s never enough. Biden offers select members of the younger generations a vote-buying shell game. The government will destroy the economy, but it will forgive student loans. Educated in socialist schools, many of the borrowers really believe that it’s the government, not the economy, that provides. They’ll be disabused of that notion soon enough.

Consequences will administer some harsh lessons. Socialism doesn’t work; something for nothing doesn’t work; fiat debt and currency don’t work; empire doesn’t work, and government as a constellation of rackets doesn’t work. Does anybody really expect the younger generations to accept debt and tax slavery to fund what the older generations have bestowed upon themselves? Gobsmacked by reality, the youngsters are going to say to the oldsters: No economy, no jobs, and no future for us, no taxes, no debt service, no pensions or medical care for you. In a word, repudiation, an intergenerational middle finger.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article please click the above link.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 months ago
    For the nth time, no generation is at fault for the actions of sociopaths who controlled every candidate offered.
    The same sociopaths and their media accomplices want the generations to blame each other instead of
    pursuing and punishing the actual guilty traitors of the Deep State.
    Will the brainwashed people awaken in time and band together to execute the real villains?
    I've been spreading the truth, ready and waiting for 31 years.
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    • Posted by 8 months, 4 weeks ago
      I salute you for spreading the truth. Through the years, I've posted plenty of my own and other people's articles about the Deep State. It is, indeed, behind much of what we have today.

      However, the Deep State can only take people where they want to go, and whether or not it inculcated something-for-nothing, endless war, American empire, fiat crap, endless deficits and debt, and Israel uber alles in the minds of the American people, these have become deeply embedded in the American psyche. And these are what the younger generations will inevitably repudiate, in many cases because the government's insolvency will not allow these "luxuries." Who knows, they may even go after the Deep Staters who have been the authors of so much of their misery.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 4 weeks ago
        I admit to not having focused insight into the minds of other Americans,
        and that the result of nearly every POTUS election in my life has been
        the opposite of the candidate I supported.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      Absolutely. Institutional graft and corruption go back to Roman times.
      But that doesn't mean we should tolerate it.
      We'll likely suffer the same fate as Rome, we're certainly on the same path, though we'll arrive at the fall far sooner.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 months ago
    As I read this I get thinking... For starters, the next generation will probably be the ones to halt America's imperial approach to military - closing all the international military bases. We can't afford them. Bring the boys home. They may....may actually take some control of the border. You can have a welfare state or you can have open borders. You can't have both. Common sense will likely follow the timeframe where they gut our generation - closing social security and gutting the few pensions that are left. Either these things happen or this may just become West China. The corruption is at an all-time high now, as the Bidenistas and Pelosis grab whatever is left. But, this thing's going to collapse. My dad's generation really stuck it to us. The dependence he developed on medicare and social security made me sick, really. Its all been a big Ponzi scheme. I once told him, "You're spending my kids' money". He had no f'ing idea how to respond.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 9 months ago
    Brainwashing is pretty hard to cure. I'm sure anyone who has tried to reason with a brainwashed automaton has discovered that there is rarely a chink in the armor of that poor soul. All we can do is plant a seed and hope that somewhere in that damaged psyche the seed will find a tiny patch of fertile ground. Very thought provoking article, ffa.
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