January 6, Covid Stir the Fascist Soul of the Educated Liberal Female (ELF)

Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 4 weeks ago to Politics
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"In researching my new book, Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6, I discovered something unexpected: an alarming confirmation of my September 2022 article in which I argued that Educated Liberal Females (ELFs) are the single greatest threat to our enduring liberties.

My new book deals specifically with the ELF’s natural foes, the women of January 6. Among the ten women I profile is Dr. Simone Gold. Even before getting caught up in the events of that memorable day, Dr. Gold had set the ELFs on edge through her work with America’s Frontline Doctors, a group she founded.

An M.D. as well as a lawyer, Dr. Gold, 55 at the time, went to Washington not to protest the election but to address the issue of medical freedom. She had secured a permit to speak at a venue on the east side of the Capitol, but when organizers cancelled the event, Gold decided to give the speech on the Capitol steps. The daughter of a Holocaust survivor, she did not readily surrender her right to speak freely.

Standing at the top of the steps on the Capitol’s east side, Gold got swept into the building when the doors opened from the inside, and the crowd surged forward. Finding her way to the rotunda, Dr. Gold stood on the base of a statue to speak. Someone passed her a bullhorn, and several people came over to listen. Following her five-minute speech, she took questions. After twenty or so uneventful minutes in the Capitol, Gold exited the building, having seen no violence or vandalism.

Along with 1200 or so other citizens, Dr. Gold was hunted down by the FBI in the most sweeping series of arrests on American soil since the notorious Palmer raids of a century ago. Twelve days after January 6, roughly 20 agents came knocking at her Los Angeles door with a battering ram."
Arrest the Jan 6 Committee and all jurors and judges of the Jan 6 peaceful demonstrators and put them on trial for TREASON.
Execute the guilty. D.C. NIFO
SOURCE URL: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/05/january_6_covid_stir_the_fascist_soul_of_the_educated_liberal_female.html

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  • Posted by Lucky 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    An excellent example, thanks FF. Yes it appears to be, correction, it is females who are the most belligerent in supporting fascistic suppression of free speech and increasing tyranny from governments and power centers such as big pharma, big media and 'religion of peace' terror.
    Take a look at the across US and global screaming in supporting Hamas atrocities, it is young women who are prominent.
    I'll leave it to to other to explain, important to mention that women take heroic positions on the freedom side, Ashli Babbit got shot and killed, and as shown in the article, Dr Simone Gold is a true heroine for freedom.
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  • Posted by Andy 9 months, 3 weeks ago
    If we're going to stick to seeing people as groups, the women of Jan 6 have to be averaged with these ELFs. My understanding from this site is Ayn Rand is about seeing people as groups, like ELFs. Individual actions and opinions don't matter. So we need more people like the women profiled to bring up the average.
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