Trumps 2025 Inauguration Speech
Posted by CaptainKirk 10 months, 4 weeks ago to Politics
My Fellow Americans, by electing me after the 2020 shenanigans, you have given me a mandate.
As I traveled to 400 Cities and held rallies, speaking to millions of you. Listening to you. Hearing you.
Seeing your suffering and your pain. Your lost of trust in your government, and the institutions that have
been hiding/masking their illegal activities for decades.
In my first term, I was advised by snakes. They told me I could not pardon Snowden or Assange.
Well, in hindsight, I realize that they both got the Trump Treatment from the deep state. While Snowden
clearly broke many laws, he did not do this for personal gain. He did this to expose the beast he realized
was invisible to many, and lying to all. Again, Julian Assange crossed some serious lines. But time served.
I will ask BOTH of them to create an Office of Whistle Blowers. Where they can create a safe system for
people to blow the whistle, prove their case, and get the problems fixed (not covered up while the good people
are abused, beaten, or killed by the system).
I will still make deals some won't like. It's in my nature. I like to move the ball forward, and see who I can trust.
Your mandate goes deeper. Thank you. Just as my enemies changed the statute of limitations, then charged me
with crimes long since past, that nobody else was being charged with. I am going to change the statute of limitations
for politicians who served in office, or committed these crimes while or just after running for office.
Yes, this means HRC. The many liars in the FBI, and the Judges who failed us by willingly looking the other way
as it fit their political views.
Finally, to the "Deep State". You won last time. I had no idea how big and powerful you were. Thank you for showing me.
When we lost a legal battle because our lawyer failed to show up. She got fired, but ended up with a much better paying job,
working for one of your companies... I found out I was powerless to do anything about that. But then I saw the pattern.
Documented by Kari Lake (an amazing woman), that people on the East Coast with power/money/influence can pay amazing
salaries to control who is in office.
I've seen the face of thy enemy. The country now knows you exist. They see your previously invisible hand.
They can now blame you. My #1 job will be exposing you, bankrupting you, charging you, and jailing you.
You were NEVER elected to do what you have been doing to this great nation. Destroying the education system.
My mission is to destroy every form of income you have, and to punish everyone of you the way you punished me,
and the way you have threatened and punished the average American so that you could keep your power, because
they were forced to do the unthinkable so they could feed their families, while you laughed at them.
I am signing these executive orders while standing here.
Decimation of the FBI, Homeland security, CIA, NSA, The Pentagon (Thanks to Vivek for wording these for me).
The IRS will now audit EVERY YEAR the people who are elected to serve in Congress at the Federal and State Levels.
If you were stealing from people with insider information we will know, and you will pay Triple Damages.
The pipelines are opened, and I've asked for legal protection for them so future executive orders cannot shut them down.
Every 30 days, we will review and decimate every Federal Agency that is not focused on MAGA.
Also, I've requested legislation that taxes the Central Bankers on the money they create out of thin air,
and their annual profits.... Why do the richest of the rich have income tax exclusions?
There will be much more to come. In the short term, there will be some hard times.
Please prepare. When I am done, I hope you have more property, more prosperity, and far less government.
While I doubt I can completely kill the Deep State in 4yrs, I intend to damage them so badly that the next
couple of Presidents should be able to finish what we've started...
And that gives me great hope for the future of this Once Great Country!
Apologies that I wrote this as a simple stream of consciousness. No editing.
Probably tons of small issues for everyone to get upset with. But a REFINED version of this speech would
light a fire in my belly to help me ENDURE the times it would create... For the Glory of what I think it leads to.
As I traveled to 400 Cities and held rallies, speaking to millions of you. Listening to you. Hearing you.
Seeing your suffering and your pain. Your lost of trust in your government, and the institutions that have
been hiding/masking their illegal activities for decades.
In my first term, I was advised by snakes. They told me I could not pardon Snowden or Assange.
Well, in hindsight, I realize that they both got the Trump Treatment from the deep state. While Snowden
clearly broke many laws, he did not do this for personal gain. He did this to expose the beast he realized
was invisible to many, and lying to all. Again, Julian Assange crossed some serious lines. But time served.
I will ask BOTH of them to create an Office of Whistle Blowers. Where they can create a safe system for
people to blow the whistle, prove their case, and get the problems fixed (not covered up while the good people
are abused, beaten, or killed by the system).
I will still make deals some won't like. It's in my nature. I like to move the ball forward, and see who I can trust.
Your mandate goes deeper. Thank you. Just as my enemies changed the statute of limitations, then charged me
with crimes long since past, that nobody else was being charged with. I am going to change the statute of limitations
for politicians who served in office, or committed these crimes while or just after running for office.
Yes, this means HRC. The many liars in the FBI, and the Judges who failed us by willingly looking the other way
as it fit their political views.
Finally, to the "Deep State". You won last time. I had no idea how big and powerful you were. Thank you for showing me.
When we lost a legal battle because our lawyer failed to show up. She got fired, but ended up with a much better paying job,
working for one of your companies... I found out I was powerless to do anything about that. But then I saw the pattern.
Documented by Kari Lake (an amazing woman), that people on the East Coast with power/money/influence can pay amazing
salaries to control who is in office.
I've seen the face of thy enemy. The country now knows you exist. They see your previously invisible hand.
They can now blame you. My #1 job will be exposing you, bankrupting you, charging you, and jailing you.
You were NEVER elected to do what you have been doing to this great nation. Destroying the education system.
My mission is to destroy every form of income you have, and to punish everyone of you the way you punished me,
and the way you have threatened and punished the average American so that you could keep your power, because
they were forced to do the unthinkable so they could feed their families, while you laughed at them.
I am signing these executive orders while standing here.
Decimation of the FBI, Homeland security, CIA, NSA, The Pentagon (Thanks to Vivek for wording these for me).
The IRS will now audit EVERY YEAR the people who are elected to serve in Congress at the Federal and State Levels.
If you were stealing from people with insider information we will know, and you will pay Triple Damages.
The pipelines are opened, and I've asked for legal protection for them so future executive orders cannot shut them down.
Every 30 days, we will review and decimate every Federal Agency that is not focused on MAGA.
Also, I've requested legislation that taxes the Central Bankers on the money they create out of thin air,
and their annual profits.... Why do the richest of the rich have income tax exclusions?
There will be much more to come. In the short term, there will be some hard times.
Please prepare. When I am done, I hope you have more property, more prosperity, and far less government.
While I doubt I can completely kill the Deep State in 4yrs, I intend to damage them so badly that the next
couple of Presidents should be able to finish what we've started...
And that gives me great hope for the future of this Once Great Country!
Apologies that I wrote this as a simple stream of consciousness. No editing.
Probably tons of small issues for everyone to get upset with. But a REFINED version of this speech would
light a fire in my belly to help me ENDURE the times it would create... For the Glory of what I think it leads to.
A few suggestions:
" charging you, and jailing you."
Make that charging you and executing you.
Dead traitors get no pardons from other traitors.
The IRS must die, not be weaponized further.
What's left of the constitutionally-limited FBI should seek out such domestic enemies.
They do at least as much damage as foreign enemies.
"Decimate" means to reduce by 10%.
If that's all you intend to do, then say so.
Otherwise, choose words that accurately describe your planned action.
Don't use words that misinform and hide your actions.
Central Bankers?
We don't need no central bankers.
(All actions must be based on constitutional provisions.)
1. US Military to South and North Border, Navy to patrol coast line
2. US Military to DESTROY cartels to the last person
3. any nation that refuses to take back their people in this Our nation will not longer receive ANY US aid, the US Military we by force return any and all such il-legals to your nation by any means needed, resistance will be met with deadly force
4. as it is clear that the members of the biden admin were not following US laws they cannot claim to be doing their normal jobs, they cannot claim immunity. example the Sec of Homeland
Security Mayorkas, who has clearly been following il-legal orders. investigations must be opened to see what orders were issued and by whom. those responsible must be held responsible and jailed
5. Tell Hamas that the United States will start production and soon dropping Earth Penetrator bombs in Gaza, allowing time for Israel to move their troops out of the wat. these bombs do very little damage on the surface.
6. help end the Ukraine war, get all the info on the biden family from Ukraine, Russia and the US should be allies, convince China it is in their long term interest to be allies against islam too, if not, once the commies fall, the new China government can be our allies
7. deport ALL il-legals. there is not such thing as an anchor baby, deport them all, end welfare and social security for ALL il-legals
8. cap welfare, work to restore families, no more "have another kid, get more welfare crap"
welfare is 100% unconstitutional, taking from me to give it to another makes me a slave to them
end DEI in our Military, fire all the clowns that made DEI part of our Military (out of a cannon)
that is a start
Just dreaming but can there be a delay in the presentation of that speech?
When made it would then say- This is what has already begun.
And "This has already all been done".
We will get through this... WWG1WGA