Advil Tackles ‘Pain Inequity,’ UK Government Declares Medical Devices ‘Racist’

Posted by freedomforall 2 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
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"Not to be outdone by the Social Justice™ virtue-signaling of rival firms Eli Lily and Novo Nordisk, Pfizer, which owns the Advil brand, is now at war on behalf of the Blacks with something called “pain inequity.”

Related: The Curious Equity™ Flex and What Lies Beneath

Via Advil:

“The Advil Pain Equity Project is a long-term commitment to champion equitable and accessible pain relief, created by Advil and launched in partnership with Morehouse School of Medicine and BLKHLTH. The Advil Pain Equity Project's first campaign, Believe My Pain, is focused on illuminating the issue of pain inequity in Black communities.”

As anyone who has ever attended diverse public school knows well, White Supremacists™ have been denying blacks their right to complain about pain, and basically everything else, for 400 years now.

Advil, in partnership with totally unbiased and neutral “historical black college” Morehouse School of Medicine, has the remedy: “Believe My Pain,” tasked to:

“Explore perceptions of inequities in pain diagnosis and treatment among Black Americans, given the body of research demonstrating that Black communities have historically experienced pain inequity at higher levels during healthcare treatment…

Edelman Data & Intelligence administered an online survey of American adults about their experiences with pain. A total of 2,000 respondents were surveyed including 1,000 adults roughly representative of the general population of US pain sufferers, and 1,000 who identified as Black or African American. The sample was constructed to ensure a large subsample of Black respondents to identify statistically significant differences between the two groups. Edelman utilized opt-in panels to recruit and provide incentives to all respondents, and the survey was conducted in Spring 2023”

Take note of the slipping-in of the weasel word “perception.”

Surely the Black respondents offering their subjective interpretations of the racism they experience at the hands of notoriously bigoted doctors isn’t tainted by the nonstop anti-white racism training they receive from the moment they emerge from the womb, in which they learn that cash and various forms of social benefit are to be obtained via constant claims of discrimination?


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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 months, 3 weeks ago
    And I got criticized during my stent as an
    Exec. Dir. of a Federally Qualified Health Center because I was said to be 'Color Blind'. I refused to report my patients by race, creed, or color. I ended up refunding $200.000 and closing out their grant.
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