Our money

Posted by $ TomB666 9 months, 2 weeks ago to Government
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So the Government agrees to spend our money to right the wrong done by FBI agents! Shouldn't the actual culprits pay that fine, not the rest of us?
SOURCE URL: https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/biden-admin-agrees-to-pay-139-million-to-victims-for-fbi-failures-in-sex-abuse-investigation-5635625?src_src=RTNews&src_cmp=rtbreaking-2024-04-23-3&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAdcI%2FcREAyMLD7qYcsCtaBLmDRZvCPKOKKMArR1T2aVdl

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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    We have a Constitution.
    There is no provision for any of the three-letter-agencies. Not one.
    If you want to start fixing our current situation of doom, you have to go back to applying the Constitution, as written. It worked fine until 1873.
    Personally, I think the whole mess needs to be burned to the waterline and start rebuilding from the keel up.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Yes, cut the funding of FBI to -0-.
    Then they can't make such mistakes and the won't burn more innocent people to death as they did in Waco.
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    • Posted by nonconformist 9 months, 2 weeks ago
      A. Privatize them, make them earn their keep by getting people to voluntarily pay them to do the work.
      B. Remove their monopoly powers, allow other private organizations of the same kind to exist so they can be eliminated by free market competition.
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      • Posted by mhubb 9 months, 2 weeks ago
        same issues with a "private" FBI or any other company
        at some point, someone will "own" them and direct them
        look at NPR.....
        and look at all the other "news" companies that are all just part of the democrat machine
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        • Posted by freedomforall 9 months, 2 weeks ago
          Yes, power corrupts.
          Government was never supposed to have these powers.
          Has to be stopped so it isn't worth the trouble to corrupt it.
          Open "fair" competition eventually wins unless government prevents it.
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        • Posted by nonconformist 9 months, 2 weeks ago
          So, you are saying that private FBI will not do what their customers are paying for. Why would anyone pay them then? How would they stay in business and pay their employees?

          The news companies actually do the job that they are paid for, except their customers are not their readers but the parasites that are ordering propaganda and psychological manipulation. The readers are broke and cheap and don't want to pay for news but still want to read the news, so, they get what they paid for.

          Let's say private FBI becomes owned and directed by some malicious force. They would still not be allowed to break laws. If they start breaking laws then someone else will pay some other private security firm to take the misbehaving one down. Except I propose an even better system. Allow the security providers to recoup law enforcement costs from the perpetrator. That way, the victims or third parties don't actually have to pay anything or even need to be involved in any way. The security companies will enforce laws of their own will (because it is their business model) and get paid for it by the people who are breaking the laws (after the perps get arrested/sued/etc and are forced to pay).

          You might say: what if the misbehaving security company is bigger than half of the whole security industry? Nobody would be able to challenge them.
          I guess in that particular case the society would be fucked. I mean, that is kind of like what we have now, a misbehaving security provider (the state). The solution to that problem would be whatever the solution would be for the current situation. How do we go from being fucked to not being fucked. That is the question. I have some ideas but so far I have nothing terribly practical.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 months, 1 week ago
    I think the idea of immunity afforded government agents is total crap. Just as in the corporate world where officers of a corporation can be sued civilly for criminal behavior, so should agents of the government - either State or Federal.
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  • Posted by Orwellian 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Should we as citizens be able to sue in civil court the individuals that violate our constitutional rights . That is eliminate the protections of working for a 3 letter agency and make people liable for wrong doing.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 months, 2 weeks ago
    Precisely. Take it first from the salaries of the agent's and leaders involved, the remainder from the FBI budget.

    This will resolve the issue forever. What happened accomplishes no systematic change.
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