Citizenship Renunciation: Why He Moved to this Tiny "AI" Country

Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 1 week ago to Philosophy
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In today's video, Mr. Henderson interviews a tech entrepreneur who renounced his US citizenship and relocated to Anguilla. They discuss his journey, from initial motivations to renounce his US citizenship to adapting to life in Anguilla and its impact on personal freedom. He discusses the challenges of international bureaucracy, shares insights on living abroad, and reflects on the benefits of expatriation.


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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 months, 1 week ago
    HIs complaints about America totally remind me of Stephen Molyneoux's old video "The Story of Your Enslavement". Right out of that narrative. "Why did the United States think it could control people to that extent?...." Watch that old clip (if you can still find it)...
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 months, 1 week ago
    Is Anguilla a potential Galt's Gulch? Most of the cruise ships go to St. Maarten (been there once), only 8 miles away.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 8 months, 1 week ago
      Anguilla has a substantive British military presence. North-central bay of the island.
      Not a Gulch potential.
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      • Posted by 8 months, 1 week ago
        They might disappear in Galt's Triangle. ;^)
        Seriously, any place on earth with any resource (human or other) to be stolen/enslaved
        will come under the DS control unless the patriots there have the ability (power) to defend their
        country and the will to use it against any enemy foreign or domestic.
        The US is in its current state of enslavement because of a lack of will
        by patriots, imo. The will to take many innocent casualties to defend
        freedom is very difficult to summon and maintain but without such will
        freedom is stolen away and enslavement is gradual but certain.
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        • Posted by $ Commander 8 months, 1 week ago
          LMAO! Regarding the triangle.
          The human state, as with any living organism, that is not regularly pushed/challenged, becomes complacent/comfortable. Arrested development. Humans are the foremost complacent species on the planet. Our technology of comfort has serious repercussions when rapid changes occur.

          "Future shock, what is it? Too much change in too little time. And for those who are not prepared the effects will be devastating." Alvin Toffler, 1968-9?
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    • Posted by 8 months, 1 week ago
      If you don't mind a hurricane wrecking your property every few years.
      I don't think that Galt would choose that for his Gulch unless his invisibility cloak device could ward off hurricanes, too.
      As mentioned in the video, there is no 'high ground' there, which is also true of Florida, btw, and Anguilla can't
      depend on getting (stolen) 'emergency' funds from other locations as FL can when a hurricane hits.
      The recovery from a strong hurricane hit would be much slower due to very limited funding in Anguilla.
      It's in a prime hurricane path. It doesn't have a deep water port for trade either.
      I'd be more inclined to look at the far southern Caribbean islands to avoid the hurricane issue.
      The best of those are the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao) that are Dutch islands with higher taxation.
      Anguilla may be a good place for offshore banking, but I haven't looked into that
      and the FINCEN laws have caused lots of problems for Americans wanting to take funds offshore.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 months, 1 week ago
        Anguilla and St. Maarten do get the occasional hurricanes, but most of the time, the hurricanes stay further south. One of the far southern islands, Grenada, just got a bad hurricane hit.
        I still like my part of Florida. You're always welcome here.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 months ago
    I don't understand why being a British citizen is better than being a US citizen. It this just about taxes? I don't follow his logic.
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    • Posted by 8 months ago
      His issue was with the US federal laws that made his occupation illegal. Apparently there was no such law in the commonwealth. So he left and gave a middle finger to the scum in D.C.
      He became a "citizen" of Anguilla via marriage which allowed him to travel to other countries since he no longer had a US passport.
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  • Posted by nonconformist 8 months ago
    The truth of the matter is, until there is a territory that has no criminal organization forcibly controlling everything, moving to a different 'country' would not be terribly effective. Assuming you can find a better alternative to the US, it is going to be only marginally better and probably only temporarily. There are going to be many trade-offs. It is also costly, so, the ROI is dubious.

    What we need is some way to get rid of a state someplace and replace it with private enterprises that adhere to a constitution that is logically sound, doesn't make anybody a slave and requires NO BORDERS. I understand you guys on this site really like borders. I have bad news for you, borders are illegal by that logically sound constitution I am thinking of. If you come to my realization that the TRUE and CORRECT system of laws is universal, it will become obvious that 'country' borders are not needed. These laws are valid everywhere, just like math.
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