biden drops out of race

Posted by mhubb 6 months, 1 week ago to Politics
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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 months, 1 week ago
    That’s Democracy at work a majority of D thugs overturned the people’s primary process for selecting their candidate oops I mean electing.

    Why are they pushing back the [D] convention?
    COVID-19 concern or strategic for last minute change?
    Change of BATTER coming?
    Why was she 'saved' from officially announcing?
    Why was she 'reserved' for a last minute change?
    How do you attempt to 'sneak one in'?
    How do you attempt to ensure victory?
    Adopt National Vote-by-Mail?
    How do you convince American it was legitimate?
    Release fake polls indicating favorable leads in swing states?
    How do you harm opponents accomplishments re: economy, unemployment, ……………….?
    How do you terminate opponents highly effective rallies?
    How do you shelter [D] lead candidate from embarrassing debates and/or rallies?
    How do you shelter [D] corruption re: FISA-RUSSIA-FLYNN-etc. from reaching the mainstream?
    How do you extend the trade negotiation deadline w/ CHINA?
    How do you limit [test] Constitutional rights of people?
    How do you provide cover for State Govs to adopt new voter laws?
    How do you effectively control the population?
    How do you expand big tech overreach re: tracing / privacy issues?
    How do you fix [taxpayer bailout?] the long-broken economies of CA & NY?
    How do you enrich select people/co's by promoting a solution to a global crisis?
    How do you keep people living in fear and isolation in order to accept the above?
    Define 'insurgency'.
    How do you accomplish all of the above?
    4y, 2m, 2w, 6d, 21h, 56m agO
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 6 months, 1 week ago
      The challenge a friend proposed is this.
      Republicans and Democrats are the fake choice between Androids and iPhones.

      Both are electronic ankle bracelets.
      At this point, we are changing the warden while the guards keep us locked up.

      The hope is that once the seeds of freedom are planted and watered... We will overcome the prisoners dilemma.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 6 months, 1 week ago
    He says he is not fit to run, but will still act as POTUS in the meantime, and feels he can decide who whould be next POTUS. Really! She never acated as Border Czar nor AI Czar in any sense, what has she done? If she wanted the job, she should have been earning it, but she seems to have little IQ at all.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 6 months, 1 week ago
    The Democrats have a real mess on their hands now (not just the economy and how the world views the US) with this late departure. They've proven, along with their lapdog MSM, that they can't be trusted to tell the truth. Right up to Joe's horrific debate performance it was, "He's on top of things and the sharpest guy I know!" He clearly wasn't and now, IMO, they're out of time. What will follow will be a blizzard of propaganda for the new candidate - which I still think may be Gavin. Biden's endorsing Cokemala because the money raised so far can be used, I'm guessing. It does follow convention that she'd be the one, though. It's likely that the amount of voting centers they'll have to close down due to "broken pipes" or failing HVAC will have to be so great to flip so many votes that they really have their hands full.

    I've recently been reminded that our government should really be shrunk by about 90%. That would fix a lot of this. When you're talking about the ultimate level of power at stake there are no rules anymore.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 6 months, 1 week ago
    To echo the theme of a lot of comments here: This doesn't feel like Biden dropping out; it feels much more like a coup. The lack of self-awareness that libs/progs have is nothing short of mind-boggling.

    All they can keep harping about is Trump bring about the end of Democracy.

    But in 2016, they literally rigged the primaries to ensure that The Hildabeast would be the nominee. Hell, they did a public Zed/Maynard on Bernie Sanders.

    Then in 2020, they rigged it again when James Clyburn forced The Giggler on Biden as payment for his endorsement. (At least, that's what I believe happened.)

    Then in 2023 and 2024, they try and use the courts to keep someone from running (at a minimum) to putting him in jail so he can't run (at its worst).

    Lastly, they rigged the 2024 primaries by lying through their teeth and getting the MSM yet again to parrot their position so that it would look like the Dems were unanimous in supporting an obviously healthy and mentally sharp Biden.

    All they have done the past eight years just smacks of the destruction of democracy (at least, their version of democracy).

    The apoplexy that we saw in 2016 will be nothing to what we see in 2024 if Trump wins re-election.
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  • Posted by Bill54 6 months, 1 week ago
    The ultimate slip-and-fall for the left. It has been coming for three and a half years. Will we see him again? Perhaps the ultimate "Week-end at Bernie's".
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