Autopsies Link 73.9% of Post-Jab Deaths to the Shot

Posted by 73SHARK 3 months, 2 weeks ago to Science
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A peer-reviewed study in Forensic Science International found that 73.9% of post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths were directly caused by or significantly contributed to by the injections
The study, initially censored by The Lancet, analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found cardiovascular issues were the most common cause of death, followed by blood and respiratory problems
Researchers suggest the spike protein in COVID-19 vaccines may be responsible for side effects, potentially causing inflammation and clotting in various tissues and organs
Another study in South Korea found increased incidences of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease within three months of COVID-19 vaccination, particularly with mRNA vaccines
The article mentions censorship of research critical of COVID-19 vaccines and suggests seeking help from organizations like FLCCC

A peer-reviewed study in Forensic Science International found that 73.9% of post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths were directly caused by or significantly contributed to by the injections
The study, initially censored by The Lancet, analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found cardiovascular issues were the most common cause of death, followed by blood and respiratory problems
Researchers suggest the spike protein in COVID-19 vaccines may be responsible for side effects, potentially causing inflammation and clotting in various tissues and organs
Another study in South Korea found increased incidences of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease within three months of COVID-19 vaccination, particularly with mRNA vaccines
The article mentions censorship of research critical of COVID-19 vaccines and suggests seeking help from organizations like FLCCC for those experiencing post-vaccination injuries

A peer-reviewed study in Forensic Science International found that 73.9% of post-COVID-19 vaccination deaths were directly caused by or significantly contributed to by the injections
The study, initially censored by The Lancet, analyzed 325 autopsy cases and found cardiovascular issues were the most common cause of death, followed by blood and respiratory problems
Researchers suggest the spike protein in COVID-19 vaccines may be responsible for side effects, potentially causing inflammation and clotting in various tissues and organs
Another study in South Korea found increased incidences of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease within three months of COVID-19 vaccination, particularly with mRNA vaccines
The article mentions censorship of research critical of COVID-19 vaccines and suggests seeking help from organizations like FLCCC for those experiencing post-vaccination injuries

SOURCE URL: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/07/05/post-covid-19-vaccination-deaths.aspx?ui=3f1eb6ca5c226c39a67b403a474664bddb5688745a336188a01f5c29f3523e98&sd=20221203&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20240705_HL2&foDate=false&mid=DM1597127&rid=64777272

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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 1 week ago
    When people wake up, they start to realize that it's what the news refuses to cover that is proof of the conspiracy.
    In this case, we have excess deaths.
    if there were a 1 in a BILLION chance they could link them to Trump... Every reporter/researcher would be on top of this.

    But somehow, it if points to horrible decisions backed by people in power who they do NOT WANT TO LOSE that power... Then the LANCET will pull down the article...

    It reminds me of Linus Pauling PROVING Vitamin C helped with Colds/Flus. So much so, that they journals HELD his study for review, leaked it, had others run a similar study with a SMALLER DOSE, and claimed it didn't work, THEN they refused to print his study because it flies in the face of the published study. (later researchers proved even the lowered Amounts of Vitamin C had a statistically significant minor improvement in symptoms)... But it was too late... The Truth be damned...
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  • Posted by katrinam41 3 months, 1 week ago
    My perfectly healthy brother had to take the jab or leave. Since he was only a few months from retiring early, he took the shot to get his pension. He never made it to retirement. They thought he had cancer, but when an artery in his brain blew, they called it a rare occurance. I would love to see the actual autopsy.of a man in his late 50's in perfect health, a regular gym goer, camper, loved riding his Harley and playing with the grandkids who dropped dead just days after getting that poison.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 3 months, 1 week ago
    wWithin the first year a Brisih/French study of autopises of deaths among those vaxed, they alrad saw the blood clots so thick they could not get embalming fluid into them. We knwo the figures sent to to gov. were lies. Aloot insdie the vax website showed miscarriages and deaths much higher than reported. Then the German study showed that it erased the immune system, caused heart damage and increased cancer risk. Israel showed it reduced sperm counts. This year, Japan research showed decades of decreas in youth leukemia suddenly incrased drmatically among those who got the vax. The awful thing is, vax makers admit they have not idea how long the spike porteins will continue to spread both the virus and clots, but maybe their lifetime.
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  • Posted by term2 3 months, 1 week ago
    The article noted that most deaths happened within a couple of weeks of the last vaccination shot. Fortunately, I am not going to take any more shots, and I got mine in 2020. Now I wish I had not taken any of the vaccine. Since the suggestions of booster shots (which I haven't taken), I have not come down with COVID.

    I have less trust in our CDC after Dr Fauci, frankly. He was a career politician more than a doctor, and I hope he never has a position of power again.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 1 week ago
    People are very reluctant to admit the symptoms they are having was related to something they were coerced into taking.
    But the truth is slowly coming out.
    Just the other day, a very old friend of mine told me his wife has the uncontrollable shakes since taking the jab.
    Really sad. She had to quit work, can't drive, can barely walk... her life is ruined.
    Who does she go to to get recompense?
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