Literary history is made!
Okay! This is HISTORIC!
Once, in a great while, a writer comes up with a turn of phrase that is brilliant when you hear it, but SHOULD have been OBVIOUS for years to almost anyone--but wasn't.
How often have you heard the two phrases:
"the carrot and the stick..."
"walk carefully but carry a big stick?"
All your life. Now, on Sunday morning, June 23, 2024, Nicholas Kristof writes in a column in the Sunday Times that Mr. Biden's problem in dealing with Israel is that he...
"mostly speaks softly and carries a big carrot..."
Crash! Breakthrough.
Millions had come for many years, but only one who came SAW.
Once, in a great while, a writer comes up with a turn of phrase that is brilliant when you hear it, but SHOULD have been OBVIOUS for years to almost anyone--but wasn't.
How often have you heard the two phrases:
"the carrot and the stick..."
"walk carefully but carry a big stick?"
All your life. Now, on Sunday morning, June 23, 2024, Nicholas Kristof writes in a column in the Sunday Times that Mr. Biden's problem in dealing with Israel is that he...
"mostly speaks softly and carries a big carrot..."
Crash! Breakthrough.
Millions had come for many years, but only one who came SAW.
all democrats are traitors
Joey is to carrots as brother is to brother. Family.
Recall that Akbar means “is greater.” So, … “America Akbar” and “Texas Akbar” and “2nd Amendment Akbar”
We need a term to cover AOC and the rest of the Squat (oops, I maybe misspelled Squid), Jamaal Bowman, Maxine Watters, Joy Reid, VP Mattress-Back Harris, and their leftist race-baiting ilk. They are “Idiots of color.”
But we show concern for the darkly complected who do not have the character defects of the above. Good persons of color who are mistreated with epithets deserve our concern and compassion. Thus: “Nig%@rs’ Lives Matter!” Dissonance encouraged.
We call upon any who would aid America. So:
“Allah Bless America” and even “Satan Bless America”
If Biden were to suddenly succumb to a brain aneurism or eradicate himself by falling down (or up) stairs, how should we describe Mattress-Back’s ascendancy? “Skankflation”
Who voted for her to any high office in the first place? The “Demigherkin” crowd, afflicted with “Soros Pox.”
The aggrieved alphabet soup includes the “QRM community” as we recall ham radio usage, where QRM means man-made noise.
Finally, on fixing gender and pronoun madness, “It’s crucial for the health of the country that the Persons and Persons of Congress carry this out for the sake of every Parent, Parent, Child, and Child of America.”
Have I succeeded in antagonizing someone‽