Swiss startup powers computers with lab grown mini human brains - Welcome To The Matrix

Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 2 weeks ago to Technology
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"The Neuroplatform is made up of 16 spherical brain organoids, or miniature human brains grown in a lab.

The organoids that the Neuroplatform gives access to are made up of about 10,000 living neurons from stem cells derived from human skin tissue, according to Jordan.

These tiny spheres, about 0.5 mm (0.02 in) wide, are kept in sterile incubators at body temperature, provided with water and nutrients and connected to an electrical circuit with small electrodes, according to the founders’ research paper in Frontiers.

Using these specialized electrodes, scientists can send electrical signals into brain organoids and measure the resulting responses.
Users can mimic memory function by using periodic electrical stimulation to reinforce synapses through repetition, thus making desired pathways stronger.

Researchers do this by training the organoids through a reward system. The organoids are rewarded with dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure (and addiction).

Meanwhile, as “punishment,” the organoids are exposed to chaotic stimuli, such as irregular electrical activity.

A live view of the biochips working in real-time can be found at"

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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Why does all of this remind me of the EU Building?

    Or to be clear. Babel. Is this not building the tower of babel? Creating brains/life so we can claim we are "Gods". That we no longer need God.

    Maybe it's just me...
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      Seems like using animal brain cells would achieve the same thing, and be a lot less expensive. The fact that they are using human brain cells probably indicates they are seeking attention, not results.

      For the record, I haven't need god in half a century, certainly none wrapped up in the power-grabbing trappings organized religion which can clearly be seen through as complete bullshit and hypocrisy. The faster we all shed this, and develop simple logical basis for our beliefs, the faster we can ditch the emotional strings government dangles us at the end of.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    "The Terminal Man" by Michael Crichton saw this coming, not as mini-brains, but as fully developed living brains being manipulated by reward/punishment similar to these Frankenstein cell clumps. Pardon my mixed literary metaphors as I add the Matrix. The horror of this situation, coupled with AI advancements, is that it can (and probably will) spell the end of our world as we know it, and much faster than we will believe possible. Go Galt now, as much as possible, while you still have options...
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  • Posted by $ Commander 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    I recall Neil Degrasse Tyson asking an interviewer a question during a talk on the CERN particle collider: What will be the last statement on earth? Let's try it this way.

    Guess there's more than one way to skin this cat.
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