David Stockman on The Ukrainian Border War Folly (Including a detailed history of the area now called Ukraine)

Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 4 weeks ago to Politics
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"Someone should tell the European ruling elites to take a long jump off a short pier. Their endless whining about the Ruuskies and Putin is just plain pathetic because—

- It’s not justified—Russia bears no hallmarks of an expansionist imperial power.
- The Russia-Ukraine conflict is none of western Europe’s business—since its essentially a territorial and civil war within the borders of historic Russia.
- If EU officialdom is really concerned about the purported Russian threat why do they spend just a pittance of their GDP on defense?
Yet, here we have Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, former German defense minister and full-throated war-hawk, talking absolute nonsense:

“Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to see empires and autocracies back in Europe, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the European Economic Congress in Katowice.

Speaking alongside Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, von der Leyen insisted that she stands for a European Union that is ready to do whatever it takes to protect Europe, and especially Ukraine.

“Putin’s war is about redrawing the map of Europe, but it is also a war on our Union and on the entire global rules-based system,” she said.”

Well, that’s rubbish if there ever was such. The only time the borders of Ukraine have been redrawn at the barrel of a gun is when Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev did it between 1922 and 1954. That’s right, this bureaucratic half-wit wants to embroil the world in WWIII in order to enforce borders drawn by a trio if history’s most blood-thirsty tyrants.

As explained below, there never was a country even remotely resembling modern Ukraine until the Soviet communists decreed its existence. "
SOURCE URL: https://internationalman.com/articles/david-stockman-on-the-ukrainian-border-war-folly/

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    Posted by mhubb 8 months, 4 weeks ago
    0bama started this mess with his il-legal overthrow of the Ukraine's government

    biden the usurper is hiding his corruption and working with the corruption in ukraine.

    were is the accounting????
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      Our c i a is far more of the threat more of a global threat to peace and self-governance than Russia ever was.
      They have murdered and overthrown dozens of "Democracies" bankrupted and starved countless nations, once on their knees, then used their nations for drug and arms running.

      People so quickly forgot how Russia, our ally, won the war in Europe for us by trying up so much of Hitlers resources.
      If Russia simply remained neutral, we would have most certainly lost Europe.
      If Russia actively sided with Germany, we would be speaking Russian, or more likely German, right now.
      Together with Russia, we defeated the German Army.

      The Nazis won the war.

      All the top scientists were divided between us and the Soviets.
      The Forth Reich is alive and well, here in America.
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  • Posted by Lucky 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    David Stockman's argument is correct. I have seen many similar maps, they all give the same message that borders and entities in that part of Europe have changed substantially.

    There is a set of maps that Stockman should have included- maps showing the boundaries of NATO from when it was founded in the 1940s to today. NATO did not stop expanding even when the Soviet Union collapsed.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    At the get-go of the Ukraine War just after we started to send millions of $$$ in aid, me dino read that poor embattled Zelenkyy's wife went on a big time shopping spree in Paris.
    Shortly thereafter I read that several Ukrainian high government officials bought real estate in Switzerland.
    That told me all I needed know about throwing good mega millions after a fortune of bad money in Ukraine.
    Not to mention Democrats fawning all over Zelenskyy as if he were Elvis risen from the grave whenever he visits Washington D.C.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      The tale about Zelensky's wife has already been proven to be a Russian propaganda fable. Zelensky got elected because he promised to attack government corruption, but the invasion kind of put a hold on that. His current battle is against both Russia and the holdovers who still want to keep their hands in the cookie jar. He replaced the defense minister to try to stop Russian-style "skimming" and black market sales of military equipment, but he kind of has his hands full trying to keep his country alive at the moment.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 8 months, 3 weeks ago
        We dinos do not mind being corrected by the truth. I do think I still may not be 100% in the loop about the Ukraine. I do know we need to fix our own border before worrying about helping to fix anybody else's.
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      • Posted by fairbro 8 months, 3 weeks ago
        Zelensky's wife was just in England and bought a $20 Million mansion from King Charles.

        Please, explain that "Russian propaganda fable."

        While you're at it, explain how NATO weapons turn up in Syria, Gaza, and Mexican Cartels

        The only thing Zelensky has his hands full of is a certain white powder, snorting it with a rolled-up $100 bill.

        Or, maybe there really is a Russian boogieman hiding in the closet.
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        • Posted by DrZarkov 8 months, 3 weeks ago
          Sources? Just like FFA courteously requested information about war crimes committed by the Russians, I think you should be happy to show who's behind the stories you relate. The weapons turning up in those locations was why the defense minister was replaced.
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  • Posted by jimslag 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    So if there was no country called Ukraine before the dissolution of the Soviet Union, how do you explain the Holodomor also known at the Ukraine Famine. Also Ukraine has been around since the Middle Ages.
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    • Posted by fairbro 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      Ukraine did not exist until 1991.

      The Holodomor occurred in Russia and it also occurred in the territory you call "Ukraine".and in other parts of the USSR
      Do you seriously swallow the narrative that Stalin was so unhinged he would purposely kill millions of his own RUSSIAN-SPEAKING ethnic Russian citizens?
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    Guys... we are being setup. When TPTB want war, they will get war. Right now, they NEED a war to distract us from the financial maelstrom we are entering into.

    None of this is by chance.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    Sorry, but at the risk of being called part of a corrupt US intelligence cabal (again), Stockman is full of it, and has no comprehension of what's happening. Finland and Sweden didn't just abandon a century (in Sweden's case, several centuries) of neutrality on a whim, or because of some Obama conspiracy. They understand Russian motivation better than anyone else.

    Really!? The map game to declare a country non-existent? It seems we see a lot of that used to declare Israel an artificial nation as well. By that standard, most European countries should be declared non-existent, since most were cobbled together out of numerous mini-kingdoms, baronetcies, and principalities. Oh, and how about the US? Our country didn't exist until a bunch of rebel swine (by the Crown's view) committed treason. Give me a break!

    China and North Korea are carefully watching the Russian adventure, and if the western nations fold their hand and let Russia take whatever they want, rest assured Taiwan and South Korea will be next places where we have to decide if we abandon any responsibility.

    Isolationism sounds attractive, but if we abandon our role as the world policeman, be prepared for a long, bitter haul trying to reindustrialize at the same time we try to hold off a flood of refugees that will make our current open border crisis look trivial.

    The current Ukraine scenario is as if in 1938 Czechoslovakia decided to resist German occupation instead of caving in to appeasement. If that had happened, and with the support of other European nations and the US to stop Hitler, we might have avoided another world war. Ignoring a problem doesn't solve it.
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    • Posted by mhubb 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      one more time
      Russia is not going ANYWHERE
      Poland and Germany have the force to fight
      if they do not resist, that is on them

      Russia may eat up small states near them, that were once part of Russia
      do we start WW3??

      as for Czechoslovakia, you analogy fails
      Czechoslovakia was part of Austria-Hungry, not Germany

      Ukraine was part of Russia longer than the US has been a nation

      history matters
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      • Posted by DrZarkov 8 months, 3 weeks ago
        For one who states "history matters," you need to revisit the history books. Czechoslovakia stopped being part of Austria-Hungary with the end of WW I, and was an independent nation in 1938. It was the Munich Agreement created by the UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain that required the Czechs to hand over a part of their territory, the Sudetenland, to Germany because the population there was majority German.

        Florida belonged to Spain for over 200 years. Should we give it back? How about California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado as well? Should Alaska be handed back to Russia, as some of them have claimed?

        Living in the present matters.
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    • Posted by craigerb 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      "So what’s so sacrosanct about the very last version of the map—one that hosted both the murderous regime of Stalin and Hitler’s Wehrmacht, too?"
      That Ukraine "hosted Hitler’s Wehrmacht" has to be one of the stupidest remarks about WWII ever!
      Also to argue that Russia is not the aggressor in the Ukraine war because their military spending is a low percentage of GDP is equally absurd.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    Stalin starved around 3.9 million Ukrainians to death in the early 1930's. Putin is a mini-me of Stalin. https://www.history.com/news/ukrainia...

    Isn't turning one's eyes away from sadistic depraved dictators atrocities against their own citizens what, eventually, gets us dragged into foreign wars?
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    • Posted by mhubb 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      was likely more than 3.9 million

      who started this war??
      the one firing the first shot is not always the one that started it

      0bama and biden pushed and pushed and pushed until finally a war started

      Putin clearly said he would not allow Russia to be surrounded by NATO. and why is there still a NATO? there is no Soviet Union and no Warsaw Pact

      France and England both have nuclear weapons, they no longer need to depend on the US. Germany and Poland 296 and 664 modern tanks respectively.

      Putin is not going anywhere, his reason for the Ukraine invasion were clear, the US started it, 0bama started it
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 8 months, 3 weeks ago
        More important than who started it, is the question of why we humans spend so much blood and money killing each other?
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        • Posted by 8 months, 3 weeks ago
          👍 That is the right question to ask.
          A: Sociopaths rise to power and always want more.
          Most people just want to be left alone to raise their families in peace
          and reigning in the power-mad 'leaders' and their brainwashing media
          isn't what people are inclined to do. Every government is guilty.
          The brainwashing to "trust your leaders" must be reversed.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov 8 months, 3 weeks ago
        "I didn't start it!" That's the usual excuse of an abuser, who then cites a list of "incitements" to their violent actions. We don't buy that crap when it's a case of domestic violence, so why should a head of state be allowed to use that as justification?
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      • Posted by DrZarkov 8 months, 3 weeks ago
        Why is there still a NATO? Maybe the Russians running roughshod over their neighbors, punishing them for trying to become independent. The former Warsaw Pact nations didn't want to be under the Russian boot heel again.

        Putin has taken a tactic from Hitler's rulebook: anywhere some of the people speak your language needs to be "liberated." That was the excuse for helping the Donbas territories declare independence, and for continuing to do everything possible to destroy Ukraine's existence as a sovereign state.
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        • Posted by mhubb 8 months, 3 weeks ago
          small nations have always had issues being independent
          should we start WW# for something that already changes over time?

          state rise and fall
          leaving behind radiation is not a good way to deal with it

          and yes, why is there still a NATO???
          when most NATO nations do not pay their fair share

          one more time for the very slow
          Ukraine was part of Russia for a LONG, LONG time
          that there are people from all over Russia living there is clear

          what to do about it is also clear
          DO NOT START WW3

          what i have heard is that Russia refuses to be surrounded by NATO
          based on how NATO/US are acting, that is not an unreasonable demand

          this war would have ended or not started but for the corrupt biden admin

          and you want history?
          lets go into the anti-Jewish actions of Ukraine over time
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          • Posted by DrZarkov 8 months, 3 weeks ago
            If Putin didn't want to be surrounded by NATO, it seems he took the wrong steps to achieve that goal. Sweden and Finland were content being neutral until he invaded Ukraine. Most NATO members were firm in having no interest in Ukraine becoming a member, until Russia invaded and began committing numerous atrocities there.

            The late head of the Wagner group, Prigozhin, pointed out that Putin's invasion also didn't result in Ukraine being "de-militarized," as it quadrupled its military and modernized its combat arms. As for the "de-Nazification," that was always a strawman, based on Russian paranoia from the Ukrainians who joined the Wehrmacht, seeing that as one way to fight against Stalin.

            Stalin did a lot of relocating people across the USSR, as he realized that Russia had always been a conglomerate of conquered ethnic groups, and he wanted to make it more difficult for them to develop any sense of independence. The Tatars, who had been a major ethnic group in Crimea, with a strong warrior class, were shipped out wholesale and replaced with ethnic Russians to keep them from causing trouble.
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        • Posted by term2 8 months, 3 weeks ago
          Putin is a thug and really wants to take over whatever he can. Same with Xi. USA needs to be independent of these countries, and be "perfectly" immune from attack by whatever these countries have. Anything less, and this world will be ruined in WW3. Maybe Musk is right to set up colonies on another planet now- while our civilization can.
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  • Posted by term2 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    I dont know what to think about this. Part of me listens to Putin and sees that he is mirroring Hitler in terms of expanding russia because "some inhabitants of another country speak Russian". Hitler had the same claim when he wanted he got europe to cede him part of Czech land. THEN, once he got that, he invaded the whole country.

    But, I don't have a dog in this hunt. I really don't care about what happens to Ukraine, given its checkered past.

    I don't like that Russia just unilaterally invaded another country, cause that behavior seems to just lead to more invasions and more invasions.

    Is russia a country with expansionist desires- YES. Was USA a country with expansionist desires until it had expanded from Atlantic to Pacific coasts- YES.
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  • Posted by fairbro 8 months, 3 weeks ago
    Good article. Finally the truth is coming out.

    There was not even a language called "Ukrainian" until it was cobbled together by Austria-Hungry in the late 1800's and institutionalized in schools in Austria-Hungary-controlled areas of Western Russia to create a separate piece of "Russia" that would oppose Russian authority. Austria-Hungary was trying to divide Russia. Hitler used the same strategy to use Ukrainians to oppose Russia, and there wer4e several genocides by the Ukrainians against the Russians, Poles and Jews. .
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    • Posted by DrZarkov 8 months, 3 weeks ago
      Now let's see . . . the Ukrainians don't exist, but then you list a series of crimes committed by Ukrainians. How can they commit horrific acts if they don't exist?

      There were numerous wars fought back and forth over what is now Ukraine, with Cossacks (Tatar ethnic group) warring against the Russians. Then there were the Polish-Lithuanian invasions, with lots of killings by both sides.

      The reason Russia wants to control Ukraine is that those fertile plains have been the path invaders took numerous times. The Russians won't feel safe until they control every bit of territory from the Baltic shore to the Caucasus mountains.

      The Khazars (source of modern Ashkenazi Jews) made lots of enemies, as each side accused them of funding their opponents, and they were subject to a number of pogroms by the Russians and others that eventually broke up their community. The last Russian pogrom was the inspiration for the well known musical, "Fiddler on the Roof."
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      • Posted by fairbro 8 months, 3 weeks ago
        What does any of that have to do with the CIA-Obama-Nuland overthrow of the legitimately-elected government of in Kiev, in 2014, and NATO's arming of the US-installed coup regime ?
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        • Posted by DrZarkov 8 months, 3 weeks ago
          The Ukrainian president rejected the legislature's vote to seek membership in the EU, and instead chose to enter an economic union with Russia in spite of what most Ukrainian wanted. The resulting unrest could have been avoided, but instead the president hightailed it instead of attempting to negotiate a better solution. The CIA is always in the middle of these things, but an incompetent Ukrainian government created the opportunity to exploit it and influence the outcome.

          The stupid thing was for Obama to refuse to give any arms to Ukraine, after he'd meddled in their affairs. It showed that he didn't understand what kind of mess he'd contributed to.

          Trump did two things: first, he told Putin that if he invaded Ukraine he'd tell the American oil industry to produce as much as they could, intending to drive the price of oil so low that Russia could make no profit; second, he provided Ukraine with defensive weapons, primarily Javelin antitank missiles, just in case Putin ignored the warning (and which helped Ukraine hold off what Putin had expected to be a three day easy takeover of Ukraine).

          If Trump had been reelected in 2020, it's likely that there would have been no Russian invasion, and no need to provide Ukraine with offensive weapons. They could have purchased new weapons on their own, but NATO wouldn't be supplying them.
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