Can a new initiative actually make Americans happier?

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 11 months ago to Government
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Our government knows only enough about happiness to recognize how its taxable, how to regulate it, and how to set itself as it origin so it can profit from it. And things are so bad now they blame the system, and our leftist government trumpets the illusions of communism to the ignorant, or just non-caring masses.

Eg, there are 30 neighbors spanning two blocks. There's a filthy overgrown lot that 5 of the homes nears the to would like to see that lot turned into a community garden, 5 of the closer but still distant neighbors don't care but will follow the pack's solution, and the 5 homes furthest from the lot want no part of it claiming those nearest the lot have been dumping there for years.

How long to you figure it will be before the "committee" tries to strong arrm those last 5 homeowners? How long before the "committee" turns to local government to override the 5 no's by placing fines?

Happiness come from within. It's foundation and nutrition is doing something you want do to achieve the fruit you desire, whatever that may be. Communalism, communism, or socialism can never achieve sustained happiness because the direction chosen to attain happiness is driven by a "collective" ans seldom by individuals outside the collective who prosper on the backs of others who have no voice but ample back, land, etc.
SOURCE URL: https://www.fastcompany.com/91113367/bipartisan-initiative-americans-happiness-problem-how-it-could-actually-succeed

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  • Posted by freedomforall 11 months ago
    Shrink the fedgov and the laws in effect to that under Thomas Jefferson's presidency and I'll be happy.
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    • Posted by $ 11 months ago
      Abolishing the IRS, ban the progressive tax, have states, as entitled of the republic, pay 1/50 of their consumption sales tax intake as their part to the federal machine for SERVICES RENDERED to an employee whose is on retainer.
      States should be handling all their essential duties and are their means not at a stipends from the federal government, giving the federal government and other states influence over local policy
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    • Posted by $ 11 months ago
      Agree. Notice what was implemented in Finland the article foists as an example.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 11 months ago
        The article is government dependency propaganda bullshit assuming that government should have the power to make people happy.
        Government should have so little power that any honest person should never have any contact with government, except for the voluntary exercise of voting.
        Get the hell out of the way and out of my life or else expect to be hung for the treason of exceeding constitutional limits.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 11 months ago
          The "Bidenomics" cost of living becoming less would make people happier, especially those living from paycheck to paycheck praying please don't let something else expensive happen to run up more of my debt.
          free, you just described the HOW.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 11 months ago
    I don't appreciate the comparison of the U.S. with Finland. Finland sounds like a 'Nanny State' for people who are lazy to me. But perhaps that's what makes them happy!
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  • Posted by katrinam41 11 months ago
    Unfortunately, many in this country would respond to the Finland nanny state with gratitude. I am not one of them. The nanny state is a soothing term for socialism undercover, busily sending tentacles of control through all of society. All too soon, only a happening like Anthem will free at least some to join the ones who opted out, if they manage to stay free long enough. Wishful thinking on my part, barring a comet or a nasty war.
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