Much, Much More Than Trump, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 1 year ago to Politics
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As el gato malo recently observed, there are two types of Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. One afflicts a subset of those who don’t like him; one afflicts a subset of those who do. Among the afflicted, mere mention of his name evokes either foaming-at-the-mouth rage or enraptured paroxysms.

Trump is the vessel for a lot of hopes and dreams, most of which won’t come true. Should he win, he would again be taking on a multi-trillion dollar totalitarian monstrosity (the term “Blob” is too benign), its remit every important aspect of life within the United States and around the world. Those trillions support millions of government employees, contractors, and beneficiaries. The monstrosity resists any challenge, even if that challenge is only rhetorical. Trump’s challenge the first time was exclusively rhetorical. The monstrosity was bigger, more powerful, more indebted, and more monstrous at the end of his term than at the beginning.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2024/03/28/much-much-more-than-trump-by-robert-gore/

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  • 11
    Posted by Lucky 1 year ago
    Tucker Carlson on Donald Trump (slightly cut)

    Millions of Americans sincerely love Donald Trump

    They love him in spite of everything they’ve heard. They love him in spite of himself. They love Donald Trump because no one else loves them. The country they built, the country their ancestors fought for over hundreds of years, has left them to die in unfashionable little towns, mocked and despised by the sneering half-wits with finance degrees but no actual skills, who seem to run everything.

    Whatever Donald Trump’s faults, he is better than the rest of the people in charge. Trump is a living indictment of the people who run this country. That was true when Trump came out of nowhere to win the presidency, and it’s true right now. Trump rose because they failed.

    If the people in charge had done a halfway decent job with the country they inherited, if they’d cared about anything other than themselves, Donald Trump would still be hosting Celebrity Apprentice. But they didn’t. Instead, they were incompetent and narcissistic and cruel and relentlessly dishonest. They wrecked what they didn’t build.

    They lied about it. They hurt anyone who told the truth about what they were doing. We watched.

    America is still a great country, the best in the world, but our ruling class is disgusting.

    A vote for Trump is a vote against them.
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    • 13
      Posted by $ allosaur 1 year ago
      "A vote for Trump is a vote against them."
      Precisely why the dino will vote for the sadly flawed and imperfect yet highly respected Mr. Trump.
      Should he beat the cheat and win he will only have four more years to dig us out of a pile of China Joe's (actually his Marxist handlers) heaped-on Schiff.
      What gives me the creeps is what awaits us after that?!?!?!
      Think it will likely be what will happen if a rigged election can beat the anticipated landslide.
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    • Posted by BCRinFremont 1 year ago
      Lucky. Very nicely stated. I bow to your eloquence.

      Now, how do I recover my sense of humor?
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      • Posted by Lucky 1 year ago
        The thoughts and the words are the work of Tucker Carlson. I did do a bit of editing to remove 'fluff'.
        I should have posted up the source, but lost it!

        Sense of humor- well I personally have a sort of morbid envious curiosity about how well the election process was manipulated. They thought of everything, it was done right across the board, that level required knowledge,intelligence and discipline.
        Nationwide, equivalent to 3 percent of the vote, 4 or 5 percent?
        How far, how high can they go? The legal system appears to be no barrier, what is the amount when even Joe SixPack will not take any more?

        Generations ago I knew people in The Philippines. They told me:
        I voted against Marcos, the family voted against Marcos, all at work voted against Marcos, then the results came out- winner- Marcos. 100 percent!
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year ago
    I DO NOT LOVE Donald Trump. He is a childish megalomaniac.

    He is NOT remotely as loathsome as those infected with TDS assert, and more importantly, the smooth talking politicians they support are simply that: smooth talking versions of things far more loathsome.

    Trump is overwhelmingly the best option we have presently.

    ANY HERE (this means EWE, with Rand-reading homework assignments, and droning babble) that publicly argue against reelecting Trump are either deranged, spiteful idiots, or clearly lying about any Objectivist or Libertarian views.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year ago
    Funny you mention "foaming at the mouth rage". A few years ago my wife and I invited a family we knew over for a swim party. Wife is beautiful. Three cute kids. The husband was suffering from TDS. I think he assumed that I was a MAGA guy and, at one point started yelling so aggressively that I swear I saw some foam. I put up my hands and said, "Travis! Travis! I didn't vote for him." He was like a guy recovering from getting knocked out. A glazed look came over his face, with a blank stare at the ground. "Oh...I know, I know", he said, and quieted down. Not long after that he demonstrated his insanity by leaving his beautiful family. A lot to unwrap there...
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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago
    Reforming the fedgov would be extremely painful economically, if even possible.
    It would have to be done quickly and irreversibly or the politicians will reverse course as soon as there is any irrational excuse.
    Up to 4 million unproductive fedgov employees (per 2022 census) would be unemployed and most unemployable by any profit
    seeking business, not to mention all the 'consultants' and military 'industry' employees. (The largest number - 11 million - of
    government employees are teachers working for local/state governments.)
    Fedgov workers are even more worthless than the current crop of indebted college graduates with 'degrees' but can't do simple math.

    Same for social security 'reform'. About 59 million are receiving ss 'benefits' totaling about $108 billion a year - about $1,800
    per month per recipient. Cutting those payments would likely have a 10 fold effect on the economy since the money gets spent
    repeatedly for goods and services.
    Economically painful doesn't come close to describing the effects.
    Of course, it must be done since the effect of doing nothing is disaster, but politicians will never make it happen. Never happen.
    If reform is to happen, it will take millions of people willing to remove themselves and their families from the current slavery,
    risking their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.
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    • Posted by 1 year ago
      The politicians will propose; ultimately the bond market will dispose.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago
        And the American people will suffer while wall st and the banking cartel get wealthier.
        The only way out for a free people isn't peaceful.
        I agree with the points in your article with the exception of blaming any generation
        of Americans for the actions of a few power mongers in D.C.
        All generations of Americans have been trying to raise their families and hoping to
        be left alone by all the governments and banksters trying to steal from them.
        Eventually the people must respond or be enslaved.
        D.C. NIFO
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year ago
      ffa, that said, I liked Viveks approach.
      fire all the FBI, CIA, etc. whose Social security numbers end in an ODD number. Under reducing government. (And I would potentially run a report of SSNs of the worst people at the top, and potentially construct a SET of digits.
      The CIA is easier, 3 prefixes, LOL should get them all, everywhere, including Obummer).

      Here's the thing for me. I don't need this to be painless. And I agree that he should not tell us his plans, he should simply execute them.

      Basically these Mother WEFers have corrupted the system so that they can steal everything from us, caused by a financial destruction of the Ponzi Schema (Federal Reserve) that they created and benefitted from.

      We either face this down standing, or die on our knees. I know you see this. Many don't. I shall not take the knee. As I think of reviving my 10,000 patriots idea...
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      • Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago
        Unfortunately, I don't see any peaceful way to successfully reform the fedgov.
        imo, anyone who the Deep State doesn't control will be either falsely destroyed
        by media, honey-trapped by one of the 3-letter agencies, have their families
        threatened (like Perot), or if those approaches don't work given the JFK treatment.
        The people who control the current corrupt system have no scruples.
        They will do anything to retain and increase power over those they view as inferior
        - legal methods first and then any illegal method including mass murder.
        The Deep State must be opposed forcefully by millions of people or slavery
        and genocide will be the result.
        A collapsed economy may be the most peaceful way of fighting the Deep State's control.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year ago
    TDS on the Plus Side... Or Always Trumpers, or Only Trumpers. I am close...

    First, I was and still am a Death or Trump voter.
    Second, it's not without limits. If he picked Nikki Haley for VP, I would either not participate or actively vote against him, and start covering my property in gasoline, stop paying taxes, etc.

    Second, I do not need a perfect person to lead me. I need a leader whose values I can trust. Even with his mistakes, Trump lived to his WELL KNOWN Values. (Warp Speed, Taking the Jab, Encouraging the Jab, Lock Downs, and NOT Denouncing the Jab). ALL HUGE mistakes.

    But those mistakes, like paying a porn star for sex (Personally, Gross!), are NOT OUT of alignment of his values (Paying for, and getting what others dream of... Doing Big and Hard Things, etc. etc.)

    I take the good with the bad, accepting that the bad might really suck (Bump Stock Bans, Deals, picking bad people, trusting liars, etc, etc).

    And I criticize the bad. So, I don't quite think I have the Positive Side of TDS.

    Finally, I echo what many are saying here.
    Tucker included.
    He's the only one who cares MORE about this country than what happens to him. Again, his values, and his ability to keep standing up to these people.

    Perfect. Nope. Trustworthy? Hell yeah.
    Would I leave my small children in his care? Yes.
    (Would I with any of the liberal politicians? Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Biden... NFW)

    I am going to post his acceptance speech!
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year ago
      To Quote you…. “ Trump lived to his WELL KNOWN Values. (Warp Speed, Taking the Jab, Encouraging the Jab, Lock Downs, and NOT Denouncing the Jab). ALL HUGE mistakes.”

      The PlanDemic thrust on the world by the enemy to overthrow the duly elected President was filled with lies and distortions and malicious intent. The 45th POTUS told US that there were viable treatments for this “FLU” Hydroxy and Ivermectin. The CDC and the FDA immediately restricted and dismissed these options.(Today their websites admit to the effectiveness of both with the Zelensky Proticol.) The Press lied and said Trump told everyone to drink bleach. Unreal. Yet, You say nothing to that truth. It has been said sometimes you can’t tell the people the truth they have to see it. See , a treatment renders an emergency use Authorization …illegal. With 3 yrs to reflect on the attack . You can see how much damage it did to the supply chains and the small businesses and peoples mental health , children’s development. Trump never mandated th3 jab. He did not design develope or approve it. He is a wise patriot and a great leader. Who is a producer to the likes of a Howard Roark . The enemy would have loved for the poison to be unavailable for years. To totally destroy the masses and kill of 70-80% of us. Your statement parallels the MSM Conservative Inc. babble. Lock downs were ALL made at the state level not by Trump. It was the Bydem regime that forced or fired people who would not comply to the shot. Almost all the MAGA supporters never took the jab and are called pure bloods amongst our selves. You see we knew it was a phony, made up Black Swan event. The tests don’t work …the virus was never isolated and shared. The enemy was pushing it and we know they want us dead. It’s not brain surgery and we know that it is up to us to operate in our own self interest. When Facebook and the like censored to Physicians that were speaking out against this nonsense ,I didn’t take much of a stretch to add that to a FuQ the vax decision. Thus ALL statistics and death count and need for this poison was contrived. A little side eye and research would have told you the 90,000 annual USA deaths to the flu , disappeared in 2020. The people running the medical show… the WHO the CDC. The FDA are either genocidal crooks or rewarded for their obvious treachery.
      My historical record of posts on this whole scam is documented on this platform and I warned of it all through 2020. BTW don’t take medical advice from a Real Estate Developer, politician or celebrity. and do your own homework before taking advice from anything the authorities are pushing for big Pharma. $$$$$$$$ trail is important.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year ago
        Oh, Dob... You missed the point. While they were all Huge mistakes. That's to defend my position that I don't have TDS in the opposite direction.

        Given the same facts, in the same situation (no current knowledge), I would expect Trump to make the Same decisions. proving they are his values.

        NOW, given hindsight. 1000% President Trump would NOT fall prey to these Mother WEFers.

        I never mind mistakes. If we learn from them. Clearly YOU NOTICE we are not learning from ANY of the Covid Era Mistakes. Meaning there were people behind the scenes making it happen.

        Trump was SO GOOD at their game. He broke their minds.
        They had to come at him so hard, as to force the enemy to identify themselves.

        And even with that, a full 1/3rd still believes what the media says about him, without asking if it's true, or if it makes sense.

        Again. He has my vote by a mile. There are a few things he could do (Nikki) that would cost him that vote. Effectively, and direct proof that he is controlled by the deep state, and is just the non-obvious "plant"... Which he can't be, because their derangement is so strong.

        I did not mention ANY of the MANY positives, because that would just be preaching to the choir. I have not forgotten. He replaced Reagan as the best President of my lifetime. And that was a hard hill... Because Reagan taught me about the Laffer Curve. (Later I would learn how much Damage Reagan did with Amnesty, and public unions... But it wasn't until Trump that I would never look back).
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 12 months ago
    For all the noise, regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump, if O'BuyDumb steals a second election, bend over and kiss your sweetass goodbye.

    As If you need an example: turning Easter, The raising of our Lord and Savor Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sins, into Proclamation. On Transgender Day of Visibility, The Worship of BAAL, Satanism at it's most basic level.
    Going further, Buy Dumb declared the all reference or religious connotation to Easter be removed.
    He is truly an agent of the Devil
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    • Posted by Dobrien 12 months ago
      Hmmmm I have called the enemy a Satanic Luciferian Genocidal Globalist Peedo Bankster Cabal. This is just more evidence that description is accurate. FuQ Joe Biden!
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year ago
    Sadly you and the MSM conveniently leave out the Quotation marks in you misreprestentation of Trumps truth. Biden said Trumps statement was in all caps.
    “The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!

    Trump did not lockdown the country.
    Governors mandated the lock downs in their states . South Dakota never locked down.
    Covid was a PlanDEMic this was an act of war against We the People. Yet fear controlled the people thanks to government led censorship of the truth and all of the media pushing the fear porn. We are and have been at war. An unconventional war the whole Covid garbage was part of that war. But from that insanity many of the sheeple have learned not to blindly trust the Medical establishment..
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year ago
    As said about Religion:
    - To the Believers, it is True.
    - To the Wise, it is False.
    - To the Rulers, it is Useful.
    Regarding Trump:
    - To the Rulers, he is Useful.

    I have associated with individuals that froth at the mouth when even tangentially discussing Trump. Friendships have been lost -- or have they? What is the foundational value of a friend that cannot come to grips with political puppetry? Oh well.
    My parents, the sweetest little simpletons on Earth (I make it a point not to associate with simpletons; however, they are "family") perceive Donald James Tiberius Trump as the Second Coming of Christ. Oh well.

    Thank you for the good read, SLL. I bought "The Golden Pinnacle" -- it is now on my short list for reading enjoyment.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year ago
      “Regarding Trump: to the rulers he is useful”
      So useful that the rulers tried two impeachments ,they have lied nonstop. They have weaponized the Government. Unleashed a PlanDEMic on him . Have stolen his second term. They have indicted him on 90+ false charges with Soros backed DA’s. Brainwashed or simply tired out the even minded so even they wished he would go away as if Trump is the cause of the cognitive dissonance today. Your “simpleton parents” as you call them might be offended that you think “they” have no basis for supporting Trump other than faith.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year ago
        Upvote on your reply Dobrien, and with sincerity.
        And I agree with your assessment of all the arrows, slander, and outright horse-shit that has been thrown at Trump (as well as any that publicly support him, MAGA or those that hold back the tidal wave of horse shit).
        As for my parents -- I repeat -- and I mentioned this two months ago in another post.
        My mother was literally in tears sobbing when I had any questions / issues / concerns regarding Trump.
        My dad intoned that Trump was powerless in the context of the Covid steamroller. Ummm powerless? As in impotent? The POTUS? This is where I align with Robert Gore of SLL.
        A simpleton expresses low-resolution thinking - they fail to differentiate - mild mental retardation. Nice enough people my parents, not a mean bone in either of them, and hardworking.
        I will open this up a little more -- to date, they (my parents) still confuse me with my brother (he asphyxiated in his vomit [drunkard] back in 2008 with zero net worth, no accomplishments and 3+ bastard children).
        And me? Similar to my parents, I am not mean either -- it's just that I have this thing for multi-dimensional, polychromatic, high-resolution thinking -- reality and objectivity -- calling it as it is, not the way I would like it to be. I also have a strong allergy to horse shit.

        Back to Donald James Tiberius Trump -- Back in 2016, I placed a huge "Trump in 2016" sign atop my 75 acre property in West Richland Washington -- and it was lit up.
        I voted for Trump -- and could not stand the hypocrisy and horse shit from Hillary.
        Time went by. I certainly enjoyed the Trump years over the Obama years.
        Think about Trump's grand utility for the Rulers -- we really didn't have the divisiveness or outright anger and hatred prior to Trump. He serves the powerful political parasites and their agenda, simply divide and conquer... Or at least keep wearing the people down until they no longer have the energy to give a damn.
        Look at the January 6th 2021 Spectacle -- the whole damned thing was pure theater -- in fact, the puppet-masters put a clown (the horn-helmeted face-painted nut walking around with a spear for the love of God!) right smack dab in the middle of the whole mess.
        We are being had. We are being played.
        Joe Biden is the President of the United States of America?
        Somebody please wake my sorry ass up from the putrefaction of this nightmare.
        If you listen carefully -- you just might hear it -- that's the sound of laughter -- the wink and a smirk laughter from the psychopathic parasite ruling class.

        And because I believe that Everything That Has Transpired, Has Done So According to Their Design ...
        They will wrangle a close election 2024 -- it won't be pretty. A lot of trash cans will be set on fire. Trump will be # 47.
        But then a wee bit after the inauguration, there will be trouble -- trouble like power sub-stations being taken out, more railroad disasters, an attack on drinking water supply input systems to major cities... all healthy quantity of those undocumented undesirables will be "put to work" if you catch my drift. Things are going to get both complicated and messy.
        Even better would be a nuke (or three) going off at well-planned locations -- with just as much subtlety as the controlled-demolition of the World Trade Center Complex.
        The shenanigans from 2020 will pale in comparison. Trump will need to act. The action will involve the US military, which will crack up due to the divisions in loyalties within the factions.
        We've been had. We are being played. We are being programmed. 40 years ago, there was a film, The Terminator. At the end of that film, we hear the line "There's a storm coming." Indeed. Prepare accordingly.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 12 months ago
          Plus +1 for you sir. Sorry for you annd your parents loss. We lost a child annd it is a devastating event.

          Indeed, a storm is coming…..the Calm before the Storm. The Great Awakening. The Storm . Justice. These are titles to what the MAGA and anons movement expect that we will experience in the war between good and evil. The enemy still has a vote so to speak and the war is ongoing. The Deep State is going to be as dangerous as a trapped and cornered wild animal. There is much going on behind the scenes that we do not know. I strongly recommend Patel Patriots well laid out plan for Devolution. This plan sourced and explained from Trumps Executive Orders during his term what actions will be taken if we are attacked with foreign assistance. , that happened in the 2020 selection. The Devolution Series is extensive and based on reality and objectivity. From an introduction to Devolution…..

          The Devolution Series is based on the idea that Donald Trump implemented some form of COG plan in the face of a different kind of emergency - a stolen election.

          Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution requires the President to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” As Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces, the President is charged with the responsibility of protecting and defending the United States.

          The first fact you need to understand is that Donald John Trump would have been derelict in his duty as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the military to allow the election to be stolen and Joe Biden installed as President.

          Throughout the Devolution Series I have linked and sourced every claim with facts and do my best to go into painstaking detail. On the rare occasion that I speculate, I tell you that’s what I’m doing and only do so based on the facts available at the time. The devolution series is constantly evolving, and new data points are emerging every day.

          Here you can find a list of contradictions, anomalies, and general oddities of the Joe Biden administration. This list is meant to serve as further supporting evidence to the Devolution Series that something strange is going on. Link to Devolution Table of contents. https://patelpatriot.substack.com/
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year ago
    Quite an article, Logic. As you usually do, your writing was clear and concise, no pulling punches. I am not MAGA, but the choices we're offered this election are so rotten that Mr. Trump is my only choice. He can't turn the tide in this country, but maybe he can rip off a few more bandages to expose the puss and wake a few more citizens up.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year ago
      Sad you are not MAGA. It is the only acceptable option available. MAGA means to support Sovereignty. Any other option is Globalism. This is a war , it is sovereign vs Global.
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      • Posted by katrinam41 1 year ago
        I am a no-vax, a pure-blood. I am not a believer that the Donald is perfection, but his slogan is a true one. MAGA is make America great again, but I refuse to follow blindly just because he has a great slogan. He did so many great things for the country and I have no doubt that he will do so again. I just want to see that he's learned something from his four years of President followed by four years of unrelenting persecution.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 1 year ago
          You wrote “I am not MAGA.” I responded. No one is perfect and to blindly follow anything even blindly following intuition would not be in your own self interest. Peace.
          Glad to see that you are another example of a Trump supporter who used discernment on the jab.
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