Robert Kennedy
Posted by MikePusatera 8 months, 3 weeks ago to Politics
Robert Kennedy is my first choice for President. I am curious who is a fan. I am hoping to keep the discussion focused on whether people think RFK is the best option. Please avoid comments on whether an idenpendant can or cannot win. That would be a different discussion.
No thanks.
Less government, lots less. That isn't what RKJr would do.
That was for starters . Fill in the blanks up to 34 felony convictions for a clerk filling a payment to his lawyer as a legal expense. Ignore these facts and tell me your an objectivist and believe in an individuals basic rights.
It's over. Haha....
state governors did that to their states
and he is a democrat, so nothing he says can be trusted
RFJjr is a democrat, with some good ideas
but he still has some of biden the corrupt usurper's ideas, like paying off student loans (which is unconstitutional and violates the basic principle of fairness to everyone else)
and his answers all seem to be more government
no thanks, we do not need a democrat traitor is sheep's clothes
RJKjr is a politician
people signed for those loans.
the government should NOT be in the loan business, PERIOD
and he also said he would forgive them
i'd take him over biden, that ain't saying much
I must add that RFK and I have a couple mutual friends. I haven't met him yet but I understand that he's a good guy and smart as hell. But, even people close to me are twisting themselves into pretzels to not vote for him. My closest buddy swore up and down that RFK would "take the guns". Simply not true. Doesn't matter. People are going to vote for one of the two teams that have repeatedly failed us. So be it.