Neuralink’s first human patient able to control mouse through thinking, Musk says

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 1 month ago to Culture
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Still consider Musk a hero???
This is the first step toward global subservience and Musk its its pioneer.
So many implications with cybernetic implants. Who owns what you see/experience when your eyes are patented to a corporation and your part of the global web? Who can package and sell your experiences when your full gamut of emotions are recorded/collected by implants? If you "choose" not to comply will they pause you? Shut you down? Amazon has already proven this capable with its smart houses.

This is purely evil. More, it will be joyfully accepted by the masses for its convenience.

Ten or twenty years from now the question will be "Is there really free will?" and "Do humans really have self determination"

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  • Posted by $ Commander 1 year, 1 month ago
    Brain robotic interface is actuality. Look at the following, candid, explanation. You can open and read the transcript as well. How many decades has it taken to get to this newer tech? I think it is inevitable. Unfortunately.

    418,885 views Jun 14, 2018
    Dr. Charles Morgan speaks to cadets and faculty at West Point about a range of topics, including psychology, neurobiology, and the science of humans at war. Dr. Morgan's neurobiological and forensic research has established him as an international expert in post-traumatic stress disorder, eyewitness memory, and human performance under conditions of high stress.
    The event was organized and hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point.
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