The Institutional Insanity Complex, by Robert Gore

Posted by straightlinelogic 11 months, 3 weeks ago to Philosophy
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The pack is racing off a cliff. There is a vast complex telling them that they are not, and that they won’t be hurt when they smash on the rocks below.

How does the human mind deal with the contradictory? One way is through discovering facts and rational analysis to resolve the contradiction. A vaccine is presented as safe and effective. However, its legal status shields its makers from legal liability for any vaccine-induced injuries. Why would legal immunity be necessary if the vaccine is safe and effective? The rational person questions the premise of safety and effectiveness, and either foregoes the vaccine until further data confirms the premise, or foregoes it permanently if it doesn’t.

The other way to deal with contradiction is to evade it. If the crowd—the government, the pharmaceutical companies, the media, the academics, the corporations, the celebrities, your employer, your friends, and your family—is telling you the vaccines are safe and effective, they must be so. Unfortunately, the rocks below hurt; they may even kill. And it’s no consolation that the comforting crowd shares your fate. Perhaps, if there’s an afterlife, you can commiserate with fellow unfortunates there.

The Institutional Insanity Complex (IIC) wants to separate you from your mind. Now it talks openly of doing just that, inserting microchips and wiring in your brain, so that you can be reprogrammed to run with the crowd and never question it. Destroy the mind and you destroy humanity, but the IIC is more insane than those it would reprogram. It, too, shall be destroyed.

This is an excerpt. For the complete article, please click the above link.

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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 months, 3 weeks ago
    Well written truth!

    A person or an object can be harmed or destroyed in only one of two ways: 1) By intent or 2) By accident.

    For one to look at the the unrestricted debt, immigration, inflation, burning of cities, the end of private property, the unlawful conduct by elected officials and bureaucrats and think it might be accidental or by ineptitude is beyond self-delusional. The most appropriate phrase was coined by Ludwig Von Mises viz. "Planned Chaos".

    The thinking (if it can be called that) by those proposing and executing this current chaos is that of Adolph Hitler when he unleashed his legions into Poland in 1939 - that he would be the first man to rule the entire planet Earth, and, that his inspired empire would last for a thousand years.

    It lasted eleven years and was destroyed. I'm not at all confident that the this latest attempt at Global Dominance can be destroyed in such a short time span.
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