Dave Ramsey: Render unto Caesar faith in a government currency destined for oblivion; avoid debt, scrupulously pay taxes, and whistle past the graveyard where your currency is soon headed…
...as if that currency was as good as gold and had an infinite future.
Too bad Ramsey isn’t as critical of debt on the governmental scale (as reflected in the chart included in the linked Doug Casey article)—and of the politics leading to currency bankruptcy—as he is of debt on the personal level. To Ramsey, one currency is as good as any other as long as it’s ordained by Caesar.
Too bad Ramsey isn’t as critical of debt on the governmental scale (as reflected in the chart included in the linked Doug Casey article)—and of the politics leading to currency bankruptcy—as he is of debt on the personal level. To Ramsey, one currency is as good as any other as long as it’s ordained by Caesar.