If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons? (Because they aren't "fossil" fuels. )
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 2 months ago to Science
"They didn’t tell us, the term “fossils fuels” might be wrong too
Dr Willie Soon unleashed on the failures of climate change and modern science for 40 minutes with Tucker Carlson (see below). As an opening he explained how one of Saturn’s moons has more oil and gas than Earth does, which rather pokes a hole in the idea that fossil fuels need millions of years to form.
Essentially a frozen, lifeless moon, with no dinosaurs, forests or peat bogs, somehow has lakes of methane. Thus a moon with no fossils can still be full of fossil fuels. Not only does Titan have liquid seas of methane — but we’ve known this for years. In fact even in 2005 a NASA scientist quietly admitted that Titan had methane that wasn’t made from fossils. But where was NASA in the 18 years since?
Soon explains that Titan proves that abiotic oil and gas formation is true. In 2009 an experiment showed that when methane is put under great pressure like the kind we find 50-100 miles underground, it can form more complex hydrocarbons. (Kolesnikov). Several papers in the last dozen years find more exotic kinds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons all over the place, like in Titan’s atmosphere and even forming in deep cold interstellar space. (Zhao, Parker, Freissinet) They also found benzene on Mars.
On his CERES sites, Willie Soon explains that in practical terms, we don’t know how much of the oil and gas on earth is made without fossils (in an abiogenic process). It could be forming 50 to 100 miles down, but we’re only drilling 6 to 8 miles deep. I seems we have little idea. Even if abiotic oil exists on Earth, it may form too slowly to be useful. Though there are these odd claims out there that some oil fields are refilling…
What we do know, says Jo, is that they’re not trying to understand this, and they’re not trying to tell us the whole truth either. We’ve taught two generations of children that there is one simple narrative, and if you questioned it you were an idiot. Isn’t it time a civilization completely dependent on these fuels had an honest discussion about where they came from?
Ep. 62 If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons? A lot of what you’ve heard about energy is false. Dr. Willie Soon explains."
What? The "experts" are lying???
"They didn’t tell us, the term “fossils fuels” might be wrong too
Dr Willie Soon unleashed on the failures of climate change and modern science for 40 minutes with Tucker Carlson (see below). As an opening he explained how one of Saturn’s moons has more oil and gas than Earth does, which rather pokes a hole in the idea that fossil fuels need millions of years to form.
Essentially a frozen, lifeless moon, with no dinosaurs, forests or peat bogs, somehow has lakes of methane. Thus a moon with no fossils can still be full of fossil fuels. Not only does Titan have liquid seas of methane — but we’ve known this for years. In fact even in 2005 a NASA scientist quietly admitted that Titan had methane that wasn’t made from fossils. But where was NASA in the 18 years since?
Soon explains that Titan proves that abiotic oil and gas formation is true. In 2009 an experiment showed that when methane is put under great pressure like the kind we find 50-100 miles underground, it can form more complex hydrocarbons. (Kolesnikov). Several papers in the last dozen years find more exotic kinds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons all over the place, like in Titan’s atmosphere and even forming in deep cold interstellar space. (Zhao, Parker, Freissinet) They also found benzene on Mars.
On his CERES sites, Willie Soon explains that in practical terms, we don’t know how much of the oil and gas on earth is made without fossils (in an abiogenic process). It could be forming 50 to 100 miles down, but we’re only drilling 6 to 8 miles deep. I seems we have little idea. Even if abiotic oil exists on Earth, it may form too slowly to be useful. Though there are these odd claims out there that some oil fields are refilling…
What we do know, says Jo, is that they’re not trying to understand this, and they’re not trying to tell us the whole truth either. We’ve taught two generations of children that there is one simple narrative, and if you questioned it you were an idiot. Isn’t it time a civilization completely dependent on these fuels had an honest discussion about where they came from?
Ep. 62 If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons? A lot of what you’ve heard about energy is false. Dr. Willie Soon explains."
What? The "experts" are lying???
She could teach NASA a few things about space travel. ;^)
The misleading term "Fossil Fuel" was made by J.D. Rockefeller to induce the idea of scarcity for oil.
After water, Hydrocarbons are the most abundant liquid on earth.
It is also the most profitable.
This is why Nicola Tesla's free energy ideas, (as well as the man himself) was ground into dust, intentionally erased from the history books at every turn.
The whole fossil fuel thing is just an excuse to give government more power and money. I ignore all the nonsense about global warming/cooling being due to fossil fuel use. As oil becomes harder to get and more expensive, alternatives will be found in the normal course of market operations. Solar energy falls into the earth in any event, and the energy itself is free, although the panels to capture it certainly are NOT
More than you wanted to know:
A solar fence continues to work even if the electric power is off, although our horses tend to respect an electric fence that's been off for weeks. The goats, not so much. They'll test it hourly or sooner, and if shocked just might go forwards instead of backing up.
The key to training goats for the fence is to hang delicious soup can lids from the fence. Coated with slightly damp goat feed or molasses or something similar they attract the goats, who then learn how the fence works. We have not bothered to do this, in all our years of owning goats! I think we've been altogether too worried about the problems thrust upon us by politicians. Instead the goats get 4x4 galvanized mesh.
In the House 12 members are 80 or older:
10 Dems (including Moron Maxine Waters and Nincompoop Nancy Pelosi),
2 Repubs.
.. .. of 8 years ago, linking to-
some types of soft coals may be, the ones close to the surface
but oil and natural gas and most coals come from deep in the Earth
how else does oil get 40,000 feet into the Earth??
The world's deepest oil well, Z-44 Chayvo, is located in Russia and goes over 40,000 ft (12 km) into the ground. It is expected to produce 2.3 billion barrels of oil.
Either way, it's a limited resource and the politicians are using that to be in charge to wage fear and obedience while marching us into meat grinders.
There's nothing we can build, from reactors to solar panels to water wheels thatbwe don't have to dig up the Earth for. Tons of immediate energy is required to produce secondary energies. Coal and oil have to be burned to make solar panels!
IF IF there were some truth to the global warming hypo-thesis, the rotten politicians are just using it to acceelerate a catastrophe.
So throw a log in the fire and stay warm!
Most of the energy we use today is derived from the heat released when stuff burns. Hydro power or geothermal power or nuclear power is converted to produce electricity.
If someone figures a way to convert nuclear or fossil fuel directly into electricity, that would be cool.
Save solar panels which convert UV into electric current. But solar farms big enough to satisfy our needs are impractical. Solar roofs are a good idea but we need more energy than that. And putting all eggs in one basket is silly. Fission (fusion someday) hydrocarbon, solar technology needs improvement. As far as we can copy a leaf so far, we need it much better. And we're not piping electricity down cables out of the desert that's impractical. And copper...copper...limited resource...?