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  • Posted by $ allosaur 10 months, 3 weeks ago
    Aw, let's not be too hard on that senile old crooked fool who by a rigged election serves as our R(esident)OTUS.
    Early on during his current regime of misrule, twice me dino heard me say something closely akin to "I didn't want them to get mad at me."
    Made me go to instantly figure that our muddle-minded Puppet-In-Chief was referring to his Marxist handlers, who I'm sure gets phone calls and emails from an Obamanation who lives just down a Washington, D.C., street.
    That's where the Anointed One moved to be a silent consultant when he was quite sure Benghazi Killary would replace him in the White House.
    Have a brother who told me who he calls "China Joe" just follows the directions of notes dropped off at his desk. Well, I'm sure he doesn't write what appears on his teleprompters either.
    I also wonder who is now the real brain of the influence-peddling multi-millionaire Biden Crime Family since "the Big Guy" no longer has one.
    Ask Pal Joey today about how he just spited Abbott's efforts to protect Texas, rest assured he can mumble something incomprehensible.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 10 months, 3 weeks ago
    When (I hope) Trump is reelected, I expect he will open the floodgates of American gas and oil, bankrupting Putin when the price drops below what it costs Russia to produce those fuels.
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    • Posted by fairbro 10 months, 3 weeks ago
      The US would do better with Russia as a global partner rather than a global adversary.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov 10 months, 3 weeks ago
        I think Putin is too far down the Stalin path to reverse course. Had Trump gotten reelected in 2020, we might have seen a different interaction with more positive outcomes. Russia may have to suffer an economic collapse and change of government in order to make a meeting of the minds possible.
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        • Posted by fairbro 10 months, 3 weeks ago
          With the help of the Deep State, Ukraine has jettisoned its own entire culture and heritage, which is interwoven with Russian heritage and culture. It has criminalized the spoken usage of the Russian language, altered its history and made a hero of Stepan Bandera, who is responsible for genocides of Poles, Jews, and Russians during WW2. It is now a lawless land ruled by fear, without a cultural heritage and sans any religious-based morality - a country whose sole purpose is a Pentagon-controlled weapon against Russia.

          Putin has said he will not allow even a rump state Ukraine if that is what "peace" would mean - yet another NATO base in Eastern Europe with missiles pointed at Moscow.

          Putin likes killing Ukrainians as much as any other normal human being would like killing their own brothers and sisters, but if that is what it takes to remove the new Deep State proxy Nazi's from Russia's doorstep, then so be it.
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          • Posted by DrZarkov 10 months, 3 weeks ago
            This is what Russian propaganda is selling. Sorry, but my past history in the intelligence community made me all too familiar with Vlad, who was hand picked by Yuri Andropov to restore the USSR from the collapse he saw coming.

            Putin is a clever salesman, cozying up to the Russian Orthodox clergy (the head of which is former KGB) and admiring the greatness of the Tsarist empire without admiration for any Tsar since Peter the Great. All of that appeals to a segment of the Russian people who have fantasies about a grander royalist time. At the same time he's instituted many of Stalin's policies, even before the encroachment and eventual invasion of Ukraine, including purges of any competitors.

            Stalin made a concerted effort to destroy Ukrainian heritage and culture, removing whole segments of its population and murdering others (the Holodomor, remember?), transplanting the removed with ethnic Russians. Putin has embraced the Stalinist line, that Ukraine has no real history other than as a part of mother Russia.

            Putin doesn't seem to care about ethnic Russians or Ukrainians, as the Russian losses have been staggering, due to their commanders' tactic of using human wave assaults. The math is harsh and simple: there are more men of fighting age in the Russian federation, so even if the loss ratio favors Ukraine, Russia will win a war of attrition
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            • Posted by fairbro 10 months, 3 weeks ago
              Spare me the Russo-phobia, paranoia and false data.
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              • Posted by DrZarkov 10 months, 3 weeks ago
                My information comes from years of intelligence work, friend. Russia had an opportunity to form a close relationship with the US, but that would have required giving up on the dream of a restored USSR, which would require reabsorbing, peacefully or not, the former member states of that union. Putin was absolutely opposed to giving up on that dream.

                The Chechens lost their bid to become independent, and Georgia nearly did. Russia's historic paranoia, obsessed with controlling the the trans-caucasus invasion path is the driver behind the current conflict.

                Kaliningrad is a problem, separated from Russia by Poland and the Baltic states. Were those nations not part of NATO, they would have been intimidated into giving up enough of their territory to form a clear path connecting that warm water port with the Motherland.

                Because of NATO rules, which allows any state to petition to become a member, Russia was offered the opportunity to join, which would have secured the protection against invasion that Russia has historically feared. Unfortunately, becoming a member state of NATO, even though it promised gaining a big share of the European market, would have required giving up the goal of restoring the Russian empire, and Putin politely refused the offer.
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                • Posted by fairbro 10 months, 3 weeks ago
                  .Spook data is false data. Every single sentence you write is false data. Paranoia and Disinformation. It's a waste of time. You are closed to reality and understanding.

                  If you were an anti-Russian spook you were paid to create and maintain hate and disorder - spooks deal in false data and disagreement with reality.

                  Your justifications and rationalizations are just that - invalid. Their answer to inquiry and investigation is "We can't show the documents - that's classified information."

                  The only real exit from this Russophobic and Sinophobic madness is OPENNESS and TRANSPARENCY and that's not going to happen while the Deep State perpetuates itself hiding its unethical activity behind a wall of secrecy with criminal sanctions for breaching it.

                  You blame Triump, you blame Putin, you blame Russia, you blame Iran, you blame China, who you gonna blame tomorrow? You and the spook agencies have NO constructive answers, have NOTHING to offer to make a better world, a global civilization.
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                  • Posted by DrZarkov 10 months, 3 weeks ago
                    It's not a matter of blame, but of history and the parties' own statements. Putin's statement that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a tragedy is a fact, published in Russian media. If you check out media in Russia that risks not following the party line, you get a very different picture than that promoted by Pravda or Russia today, just like you can still find in the US, for now, that doesn't read from the CNN/CBS/ABC/NBC/PBS/AP script.

                    China made a big mistake with its one child policy, creating a demographic imbalance that will cripple them economically and socially for the next several decades. I don't think they will invade Taiwan, as it makes no sense, militarily or economically. They've been successful with a very different business approach, but their domestic market relies too much on real estate, and that house of cards is collapsing.

                    Iran's problem is that the people are in the hands of the "twelvers," with their apocalyptic vision that promotes the idea of a glorious ending resulting in the death of all Jews and non-believers and the conversion of Christians to Islam. The people of Iran could use some help, but the mullahs keep the violence churning.

                    I don't blame Trump at all. Reaching out to all of the paranoid autocrats (even Kim Jong Un) to give them an opportunity to assure a peaceful world was a potential path away from violent clashes. He was sabotaged by globalists who have an absolutely insane view of the future.

                    One thing about spooks: they don't all sing from the same sheet of music, as they have a natural tendency to view other spooks as dangerous competition, even within the US. I've dealt with the DIA, CIA, and the NSA, and none of them trust the other. The NGA are mostly technocrats without an axe to grind, but they provide the collected data to the other spooks, and can shade the picture by how much and what kind they provide. I've seen the raw data that supports a skeptical view of Russia's version of the truth.
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                    • Posted by fairbro 10 months, 3 weeks ago
                      I know all about it, I worked at the Pentagoon with the pentagoons. Very corrupt place where they award contracts on the basis of race, so of course they have failing software and weapons systems.

                      Also lived in Russia, ran a small business there, and was unable to run a business in Ukraine, because I did not want to throw my ethics into the мусорный блок.

                      Bottom line, the difference, now, between the US and Russia: the US is ruled by nihilists and woke materialists, while Russia has a leader who is rebuilding all the great Christian cathedrals, recognizing that religious-based morality is a necessary foundation of social society, knowing that civilization advances by building on what we have learned from our culture and heritage, not rejecting our past.

                      Russia/Putin believe, as MLK did, that every human being is a unique and sacred spiritual being, an individual, while the woke West categorizes people into groups and is drowning in drugs and condoms, worshipping the false God of technology.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 months, 3 weeks ago
    Remember, these are the same elitists who want to depopulate the world. A few thousand freezing to death because they can't heat their homes are completely acceptable "losses" to them. Just disgusting.
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