Minnesota Schools Mandate Menstrual Products in Boys' Restrooms

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 2 months ago to Culture
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The depth of the loss of reason and the extent the mentally deficient supporters will go to force acceptance.
Men haven't the biology to menstruate. Women/girls no matter what they project are not men. If these freaks need menstrual products they do not belong in the men's room/locker room. Simple.
SOURCE URL: https://mrctv.org/blog/evan-poellinger/minnesota-schools-kick-new-year-mandating-menstrual-products-boys-bathrooms

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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 1 year, 2 months ago
    I don't like (and never did) like to be lectured about nonsense that it was "unladylike" to walk in a natural manner (with the right leg in the right track and the left leg in the other), and that no man would want to marry me if I didn't walk on a line twitching my butt back and forth. (My father said he didn't want to support an old-maid daughter, implying that I would have to get married in order to be supported, which I regarded as prostitution.) When I saw a short remark in a magazine that, according to a certain
    doctor, "The wiggle in a woman's walk is strictly put-on" (words in the magazine), I made sure to show it to my parents; they looked at it as if they thought well, there might be something to that. Neither one of them ever bothered me about it again. (That doctor should be a hero to me; I wish I had written down his name at the time.)
    But as much as I despise notions about the sexes that are built on unnatural nonsense that has nothing to do with reality, there are certain physical facts about reality. What need has a man for a sanitary napkin or tampon? Why would a woman need to buy a rubber condom in a women's bathroom? I suppose that a free-enterprise business has a right to market these products if it chooses--but there is no reason why it should be mandated by law. People now-
    adays want to defy nature and reality.
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