MSM Sunday news shows (e.g. CBS Face the Nation) obsess w recent Trump "poisoning the blood" statement; Mexican Cession residents forewarned US current leadership, media heedless of historicity

Posted by bubah1mau 1 year ago to History
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CBS editors chose Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) to rebut Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) and Trump's "poisoning the blood" border concerns. Coons made it clear Dem immigration policy is committed foremost to "humane" considerations aligning with Papal-/Soros-decreed anti-nationalist/altruist ethics before any concerns for regional historicity. IOW, US citizens, Guadalupe Hidalgo/Mexican Cession territory residents in particular, should forget that this huge land tract was taken from Mexico by armed conquest--namely the Mexican-American War, concluded in 1848--in which US armies invaded Mexico, captured the capital city, and refused to relinquish occupation until Mexican government representatives pledged to cede territorial rights to the area that includes most of the southwest, including California, Nevada, Utah, the southern half of Colorado (south of the Arkansas River), and most of Arizona and New Mexico. If Americans have forgotten the circumstances of this acquisition, rest assured that no Mexican national has.

This is why there can be no "humane" considerations at the southern US border with Mexico. What was taken by armed force can only be kept with armed force. What was taken with shoot-to-kill can only be kept with shoot-to-kill.

As US policy is now in full retreat from facing the historical actuality of this land acquisition, residents of this area in particular must be prepared to accept and deal with continued invasion until finally it succeeds in Mexican "Reconquista" of this territory--the much longed for aspiration of nearly all Mexican nationals.

As long as US leadership prioritizes "humane considerations," and forgets regional historicity, how can any resident of these lands feel "safe" about any political future as the invasion and "Reconquista" continues unabated?

Dems, media won't acknowledge Trump's "poisoning the blood" remark was prefaced by his concern that foreign governments worldwide are pushing their mental defectives, known property-related criminals, chronically ill social burdens to leave those lands and violate US borders under the pretext of "asylum." Trump, incidentally, has no problem with legal immigrants from any lands that comply with regular vetting procedures. He does protest "asylum" abuse, visa overstay, and other immigration loopholes such as "birthright citizenship" leading to the "anchor-baby" phenomenon.

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  • Posted by 1 year ago
    With focus on "humane concerns," Dems can't prioritize nationalism in any form. That's why Fake the Nation moderator Brennan has to thrust Trump's "poisoning the blood" comment in the face of every show participant, lifting it out of context, replete with an inevitable "Hitlerian" admonition.
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