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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 2 months ago
    If any of our troops are deployed for any reason, they are 'fighting for America' and demand all the respect we can give them. I am getting sick and tired of this Administration. I hope they remember to shut the door when they leave.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
    This unforced error is the direct result of yet another unforced error.
    The Bribe'Em regime sent hundreds of billions (money we didn't have to give) in cash and weapons to known Nazis, drug traffickers, sex slave traffickers and money launderers.
    Among the billions in weaponry, were drones.
    Those drones were electronically hijacked by the Russians so they could be captured, reverse engineered and the knowledge used against us.
    The official story is our forces thought the Iranian drone was one of ours
    Have you connected the dots yet?
    The Russians hacked our IFF codes and shared this information with all their allies (China, Iran...).
    If this corrupt and treasonous regime hadn't sent all our technology to the guy who plays piano with his junk, this never would have happened.
    You can bet the Russian know everything there is to know about how to fight us when the time comes.
    And let's face it kids, this stupid, asswipe excuse of a pRESIDAENT, is doing everything he can to get us into a shooting war with the Ruskies.
    I'm not so sure we are up for all-out war with multiple highly capable combatants. It won't be just Russia, it will be all her allies as well.
    We have made so many enemies in the ME, Africa, South America, NK...
    This isn't a backwater third world country like Vietnam (and look how that turned out) but combat tested troops. By the Millions.
    We are not the power we were 20-30 years ago. Troop levels are down, most of our ships and planes are old, very old. The B-52 is a 70 year old design, F-16's and 18's are 30-40 years old.
    Remember, Russia does not have a Congress to deal with, they just design and build. Non-stop.
    Contrary to popular belief, these are not stupid people. Starting a war with them goes beyond insanity.
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 2 months ago
    Its been awhile since I would be willing to go fight and die for the us government on behalf of an administration. The soldiers who volunteered hopefully got the money they wanted, cause the stuff about "dying for your country" is bs
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