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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year ago
    +1 All good awakening memes .. but it’s like groundhog days in a way. Reruns and repeats till the public court of opinion rules. I say we are at about this 1/3 know what is up. 1/3 has an idea but don’t like to make waves. 1/3 are either evil participants /. Brainwashed / or very ignorant. ThanQ Brother.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year ago
    "Poor babes in the woods" is a saying me dino thought of after reading Meme #1.
    As ingenious as our Founding Fathers were, way back then no one out of innocent ignorance imagined anyone could get rich and want a federal level elected job as a career.
    Why am I suddenly thinking of "ten percent for the Big Guy?"
    As for another meme, old dino never imagined a comedy of my youth becoming too stark of a reality today.
    As for spiking female dates with Viagra to see if a Michelle will appear may save you for serving a long prison sentence.
    Me dino vaguely recalls an old detective novel I did not read allegedly ending with a tranny getting killed in bed and the homicidal detective's last line in the novel being, "She was a man."
    That list of those not required to take the jab does not include those an Obamanation once called "the enemy" and his now fully weaponized DOJ calls "MAGA terrorists," though "Catholic terrorists" are also of interest now.
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