Public health officials publicly scratch heads over surging illnesses—virtually stamped out, unknown in US prior to Bribe’m’s unvetted millions’ migrant surge
Posted by bubah1mau 11 months, 4 weeks ago to Government
Not enough to rape American culture, Balkanize the nation…
Treason. Try them and execute the guilty.
FWIW, if they REALLY believed Climate Change was a REAL threat. DO you think they would let people MIGRATE from LOW-Carbon Footprint Countries to the HIGHEST Carbon Footprint Country?
Honestly, the climate cops would be the FIRST PEOPLE denying them access.. Because ONCE they arrive here their Carbon Footprint SKYROCKETS.
Again... More Proof that it's all just LIES!
I'm glad I'm old...
I posit that Typhoid Mary is just another alias Biden carries. And a more factual one, too.