One of Many Books on Autism

Posted by $ Abaco 1 year ago to Books
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I hope to speak with this author soon. I heard him interviewed and his personal story was very much like mine. In this description of the book Brian Hooker and William Thompson are mentioned. I remember, clearly, the day the news broke and the recordings of Thompson came out. I called my dad and basically said, "Well, it's out now. The researcher at the CDC who did the initial study of the MMR (which I had been saying all along was the pivotal vaccine for my son) has come clean and it's over. We can finally stop this madness and ensure an end to this disorder." But...the machine went into action and it's since all been covered up by the MSM. I remember reading in the Sacramento News and Review that Thompson was "an anti-vaccine activist". I almost vomited on the sidewalk where I was walking when I read that. Why have so many people turned so far to the dark side that they'd come up with such falsehoods?..lies that will lead to children being harmed? Soon after Thompson confessed, in recordings, to Hooker I spoke with Hooker a couple times on the phone and thanked him. When we finally met in person he just grabbed me and gave me a huge hug. I'll never forget that. An my last count there were about 130 studies published linking vaccines to serious neurologic and other health problems. Google studies that prove that vaccines don't cause autism and look at what comes up...

I have thought for a long time that America's mishandling of autism is one of those few key items that will greatly contribute to America's collapse. We've decided to f*%k the children over, to abandon the scientific process - putting the financial strength of a few organizations in the pharma-government system over the health of not only children, but many, many adults, too. As a result, childhood vaccines have become a religion. For several years I've thought, "Good luck with that, America".

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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year ago
    this may have lots of causes
    having children at an older age


    too many vaccines

    likely not one cause, likely many issues all being called "autism"
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  • Posted by $ sekeres 1 year ago
    Looks as though "Incurable Me: Why the Best Medical Research Does Not Make It Into Clinical Practice" by K.P. Stoller is another good one. As in other areas, "Follow the money."
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    • Posted by $ 1 year ago
      I know Ken. He was pivotal in helping my son. Those early days when we met him at his clinic were very dark days for us. He's a real character. Ken knows the truth. He was probably the first doctor to link the biological discrepancies that accompany autism. Decades later, most medical doctors just shrug their shoulders when parents bring in their child with autism.
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