Transferring Power From the Banks ... To the People

Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago to Economics
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How could Trump quickly create a public banking option to compete with private banks and protect the peoples savings deposits across the entire country?

Did you know that there was a public savings option throughout the United States in the past?

This public savings option existed before the establishment of the Federal Reserve. It began in 1911 and lasted up until 1967.

You’ll never guess where it was located.

Have you ever heard of the Postal Savings System?

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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
    Thank you my Quantum Brother.
    I feel better about the concept now but if I could capture someone's ear I would say two things.

    1, must have a physical cash system as well.

    2, MUST be able to go physical cash, physical everything at the Blink of an Eye . . . or should I say, "a blink of the SUN"
    The day will come when our electric and digital infrastructure will be destroyed by nature or maybe even the humanoids that hate Humanity. . . . You know who they are!

    We will need to function in the most rudimentary and primitive (relatively) ways until recovery or The Great Restart after the end of this cycle.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      Yup, the survivors of a micro nova will have a far different value system than most live with today. Cooperation, innovation, ingenuity, strength , and endurance will be prized I suspect.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
        Past couple days I spent a lot of time crafting a reasoned response to 1 an article about the rise of Psychopathy in the US. That site went down that eve and was back up today . . . all the previous comments GONE!
        Now, tonight I filled out a survey as to what "We the People" want our (not to bad) demo rep here in ct to accomplish this year . . . wonder if he really cares. (published my response on X) and will report if he turns out to be Human or not.

        Maybe this time, instead of being erased, I'll get a knock on the door in the wee hours of the morn or like always, just get ignored.

        Happy Ground Hog Day and TGIFfunnies is up and waiting . . .
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  • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
    This is a really interesting article on Trumps plan to rebuild a peoples Banking system not a Corrupt Central Banking system owned by the deletes.
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