Is There a Cure for the Western Public Health Catastrophe?
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Science
"What is perhaps surprising, but very important if one cares about optimising health spending, is how almost completely unimportant all the expensive stuff is for health. Major hospital operations, ICUs, designer medicines and so on basically do not move the dial, for three big reasons that medics often do not like to talk about.
The first is that hospitals are unhealthy places where visitors run major risks of getting sicker rather than getting better. The WHO, when it was still being useful, advertised studies that estimated that some 15 percent of people going to hospital pick up a nasty bug there, because after all it is where seriously sick people (including those sick with nasty bugs) go. That is a high risk that is practically never mentioned in the cost-benefit studies pharmaceutical companies churn out when marketing their latest wares.
Second, lots of expensive medicines and operations are given to people who are very close to death and have multiple other ailments, so preventing them from dying of one thing often just postpones death by a few weeks. The upshot is that the end of life is made lonelier, more painful and more stressful, but extremely profitable to both the hospital and Big Pharma.
Again, this is practically always downplayed in commercial health studies via a few useful tricks, like insisting that both treatment and placebo group have no other ailment than the one being studied and are thus much healthier than is true in practice.
Another trick is to compare an expensive new drug with an expensive old drug, and both only on fairly healthy populations rather than the sick ones who are more frequent drug recipients in practice. Much of the health system profits from the fear of death, with in-built massive exaggeration of benefits and underestimation of costs in the medical studies that routinely pop up in the Big Pharma advertising magazines (like the Lancet, the British Medical Journal, and so on).
A third reason why expensive interventions don’t move the dial much is that many of the medicines and operations pushed by Pharma and medics don’t actually work. For example, only 50% of drugs that get preliminary access to the US markets (after passing Phase II of that process) make it to full access (Phase III), with even fewer getting full approval, though they still make money for their manufacturers and distributors while being in ‘pending’ purgatory.
Also, tellingly, the large literature on ‘supply-induced demand’ (a booming line of research in the 1990s that has become a trickle in the top journals over the last 10 years) includes studies in which members of a doctor’s family were found to have received fewer operations on average than non-family individuals advised by the same doctor.
By implication, both the industry and the doctors themselves know that the benefits of their expensive interventions are exaggerated."
Bottom line: Big Pharma (and their corrupt government conspirators) are lying, cheating, murdering scum.
Never do what they say to do and you'll live longer.
"What is perhaps surprising, but very important if one cares about optimising health spending, is how almost completely unimportant all the expensive stuff is for health. Major hospital operations, ICUs, designer medicines and so on basically do not move the dial, for three big reasons that medics often do not like to talk about.
The first is that hospitals are unhealthy places where visitors run major risks of getting sicker rather than getting better. The WHO, when it was still being useful, advertised studies that estimated that some 15 percent of people going to hospital pick up a nasty bug there, because after all it is where seriously sick people (including those sick with nasty bugs) go. That is a high risk that is practically never mentioned in the cost-benefit studies pharmaceutical companies churn out when marketing their latest wares.
Second, lots of expensive medicines and operations are given to people who are very close to death and have multiple other ailments, so preventing them from dying of one thing often just postpones death by a few weeks. The upshot is that the end of life is made lonelier, more painful and more stressful, but extremely profitable to both the hospital and Big Pharma.
Again, this is practically always downplayed in commercial health studies via a few useful tricks, like insisting that both treatment and placebo group have no other ailment than the one being studied and are thus much healthier than is true in practice.
Another trick is to compare an expensive new drug with an expensive old drug, and both only on fairly healthy populations rather than the sick ones who are more frequent drug recipients in practice. Much of the health system profits from the fear of death, with in-built massive exaggeration of benefits and underestimation of costs in the medical studies that routinely pop up in the Big Pharma advertising magazines (like the Lancet, the British Medical Journal, and so on).
A third reason why expensive interventions don’t move the dial much is that many of the medicines and operations pushed by Pharma and medics don’t actually work. For example, only 50% of drugs that get preliminary access to the US markets (after passing Phase II of that process) make it to full access (Phase III), with even fewer getting full approval, though they still make money for their manufacturers and distributors while being in ‘pending’ purgatory.
Also, tellingly, the large literature on ‘supply-induced demand’ (a booming line of research in the 1990s that has become a trickle in the top journals over the last 10 years) includes studies in which members of a doctor’s family were found to have received fewer operations on average than non-family individuals advised by the same doctor.
By implication, both the industry and the doctors themselves know that the benefits of their expensive interventions are exaggerated."
Bottom line: Big Pharma (and their corrupt government conspirators) are lying, cheating, murdering scum.
Never do what they say to do and you'll live longer.
"we advocate closing down about 80 percent of the health sector, leaving only the most useful bits. A grandfathering period of a few years to complete the close-down, in which no new ‘health’ organisations can enter the market, would prevent a quick reentry of the same villains. The presumption of low efficacy of any new medicine or intervention should also help to prevent new tragedies akin to the opioid crisis, or other health emergencies directly caused by fancy drugs.
The notion of what public health is about should also change. Clean water, cooking on electricity or gas, low air-polluting industries, efficient garbage collection, underground sewage, and encouragement towards healthy dietary habits and participation in sport should all be considered core public health investments. With the vast amount of money freed up by abolishing the useless bits of their present health spending, the US and other Western governments can easily afford large upgrades in these areas."
Studies. the docs own family have fewer interventions than others..
Yes but they are healthier, yes but why/how are they healthier? That is the question to be set, not just providing more of the usual.
1) Our Trauma Care is AMAZING!
2) Our Lifestyle Care is the problem!
This has led me (a Randian) to propose MAYBE we actually give free Trauma Care and only charge and insure against lifestyle diseases. Without government assisting the expense.
Without the need to be insured for the risk of the #1 cause of bankruptcy (medical expenses), I would NOT carry health insurance. And most young people could opt out.
Once that money is removed. You get this SPIKEY pricing whereby OBESE people will have to pay A LOT MORE for "health care" because their factors are largely lifestyle. But they will finally get the care they NEED... Not the one that keeps them sick longer.
But when you watch this short video from a Rogan Episode. From someone INSIDE the industry explain how WE are getting screwed by the system being setup this way...
It becomes even more clear what is wrong...
Perverse Incentives!
PS: I also believe that there should be a 100 year moratorium on working at the FDA, et al, and then going to work for a drug company! Including Family Members!
Bingo. Don't ever forget that. I'm late 50s and am not on any prescriptions. None. I workout 4+ times per week. Eat a good salad just about daily (don't eat them when traveling, for example...not safe). I have lost many friends due to prescribed pharmaceuticals.
Although I went carnivore and gave up even the salads. I stopped eating out, etc.
Zero Rx Drugs (unless I am treating something that REQUIRES it).
Zero REGULAR Rx (never will I do a lifetime Rx).
neighbor's mom was on 17 Rx drugs when she died. What a racket!
(Thanks to my nutritionist best friend. )
What a racket 'health' has become.
Youth is Wasted on the Young!
LOL. We should start out OLD, live that way for a couple of years. Then be born into a crisp new body! MAYBE THEN we would realize:
Our Bodies are the ONLY place we get to live!
if you can stay off of the meds, and mostly outside of their system... I think life is better. My grandparents didn't have health insurance. Certainly my great grand parents never had it. And never needed it.
But I appreciate the reminder. Us "youngsters" need to listen to those ahead of us. There is a LOT of pain and suffering we can avoid...
May you have many more great years ahead of you!
Second, people must be responsible for their own health. Today, most people have turned the responsibility of their health to the institution of white coats. People expect Dr's and Rx-ers to make them well and keep them well. Most people today have no idea what a healthy life style means, let alone giving up their destructive habits.
But in the US, the only way we know to solve any problem is to throw more money down the rabbit hole...$$$....
but we as a nation do not seem to have the guts to enforce it or the brains
Because if you are retired and on social Security like I am, the as swipes running (ruining) our gobermint they are plotting and planing to cut our benefits to fund the Crimaleins and all the wars and countries that hate us.
So sit back, relax, find some marshmallows (or hotdogs) to toast over the burning embers of whats left of our Republic.