Big Car Data: Insurance insider warns they want to force you into an EV, ban insurance for petrol cars, and track you
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 3 months ago to Technology
"I work in the IT department of a very large renowned insurance company headquartered in Germany. Unfortunately when I tell my circle of friends and relatives about my projects, they dismiss as conspiracy theory. Many people don’t see or understand what will happen to us with this great digitalization Revolution especially the possible dangers or misuse. Here is a small excerpt of the pilot projects that we are working on… the digitized car pilot projects which are already underway in the next 10 years.
It will no longer be possible to insure old cars. You’ll be forced to buy a digital car.
Obviously [says Geoff] we know that electric cars are all connected you can no longer have a simple charger. Your charger has to be smart so the charger knows how much you’re charging … and I and many others have been saying that it’s a red flag that you have to use an app on your phone to charge your car.]
Big-brother, police, surveillance.… these cars are online 24/7 and in real time in touch with the insurance and traffic authorities for remote surveillance and surveillance of the authorities and that’s no joke. Depending on your driving style the time and the speed the type of driver, your insurance premium will automatically adjust (i.e. if you drive too fast or are too risky you will not only pay a fine to the magistrate but your insurance premium automatically increase). So let’s say you register your car to drive at night you’re a nighttime worker you get a higher premium and your car automatically knows that and feeds it back to the insurance company …
With the coming technological advances, digital ID and digital currency, we will be able to check the liquidity in real time via interfaces with banks and credit institutions as well as the tax circumstances of each customer.
They will have the power to stop any cars carrying “politically exposed people”. What could possibly go wrong?"
"I work in the IT department of a very large renowned insurance company headquartered in Germany. Unfortunately when I tell my circle of friends and relatives about my projects, they dismiss as conspiracy theory. Many people don’t see or understand what will happen to us with this great digitalization Revolution especially the possible dangers or misuse. Here is a small excerpt of the pilot projects that we are working on… the digitized car pilot projects which are already underway in the next 10 years.
It will no longer be possible to insure old cars. You’ll be forced to buy a digital car.
Obviously [says Geoff] we know that electric cars are all connected you can no longer have a simple charger. Your charger has to be smart so the charger knows how much you’re charging … and I and many others have been saying that it’s a red flag that you have to use an app on your phone to charge your car.]
Big-brother, police, surveillance.… these cars are online 24/7 and in real time in touch with the insurance and traffic authorities for remote surveillance and surveillance of the authorities and that’s no joke. Depending on your driving style the time and the speed the type of driver, your insurance premium will automatically adjust (i.e. if you drive too fast or are too risky you will not only pay a fine to the magistrate but your insurance premium automatically increase). So let’s say you register your car to drive at night you’re a nighttime worker you get a higher premium and your car automatically knows that and feeds it back to the insurance company …
With the coming technological advances, digital ID and digital currency, we will be able to check the liquidity in real time via interfaces with banks and credit institutions as well as the tax circumstances of each customer.
They will have the power to stop any cars carrying “politically exposed people”. What could possibly go wrong?"
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- 2Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 3 months agoOh they will make the insurance CHEAP for those who GIVE UP their freedom! They'll do this to gasoline cars. I don't think we'll ever get to general use of EVs that's still an electric pipe dream. I have already consented to a bogus discount to let Progressive use my car data. Duped again.Mark as read | Best of... | Permalink|
- 2Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 3 months agoCan’t get much cheaper than me driving without insurance. Certain demographics have gotten away with it for years.Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink|