Socialists? No, Just Another Manipulation of Language (Lie) By Authoritarian Sociopaths.

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Philosophy
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"t is a mistake to speak of “socialists,” for there are only authoritarians. It is the genius of people who pretend to be “socialists” that they often get people to believe they are.

And aren’t.

These “socialist” leaders invariably live very well – in large homes, of which they typically own several (viz, Barack Obama; viz Bernie Sanders). They have plenty of everything and more than that, which they say others ought not to have. They pretend to believe there is no incongruity there – and hope you believe it, too.

In order that you don’t get angry about it.

“Socialism’s” more virulent variant cloaks this imposed inequality even more adroitly. As a matter of technicality no one owns anything in a “communist” country. The handsome dachas (plural) that Jospeh Stalin lived in were technically Soviet state property. Of course, those who control the state effectively own such property – and are free to make use of it as they like.

The “abolition of private property” (italics added) takes on a new and very different meaning in this scheme of things.

Would a “socialist” – or a “communist” – advocate for either if they, themselves had to abide by its tenets? Will John Kerry surrender the Heinz Ketchup family fortune he married into, ride a bicycle rather than fly in his private jet? Will Barack Obama open his Martha’s Vineyard mansion to the have-nots, so that they will have an equal share of what he has?

Who will eat ze bugs?

And who will continue to eat steak?"

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