Etymological Abuse - Don't Consent To Redefined Language

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 3 months ago to Philosophy
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"How often do you hear a political gangster speak of asking his victim to do what he’s told he must – the or else part always implicit but almost never articulated? The political gangster asks because he knows his victim is already rendered defenseless (or at least, on the defensive) by accepting the use of that word. It serves to cast the political gangster in a benevolent or at least, non-malignant light.

After all, he’s only asking.

Or so he wants to orient your thinking.

Just the same as the thinking of the people who have to deal with organs of the government such as the DMV and the tax-collecting apparatus are slyly styled customers – to get them to think of themselves as such in order to get them to not think too much about how they are being forced to spend time and money on services they would decline if they were in fact free to decline them.

For the same reason, we are wheedled into thinking we have contributed to the intergenerational wealth transfer scheme styled Social Security – so that we think the money we are forced to hand over for redistribution has been placed into an annuity the benefits of which we have a right to. If honest language were used such that people clearly understood they were being taxed and that their benefits were nothing more than government alms – they might object."

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  • Posted by $ sekeres 1 year, 3 months ago
    Yes, a tax by any other name . . . . Also, the "cart" at the DMV as if buying groceries instead of paying extortion. And "submit" buttons instead of "send" or "enter."
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  • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 3 months ago
    This is an excellent post! The slimy professors manipulate minds by manipulation of language, and with an increasingly attenuated subtlety.

    A very effective use of the word hate, racist, white supremacist...

    They morph and shift their language. Politically Correct, Woke, Progressive, like a serial killer who never stays in one place too long that he becomes discovered.
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