New Drugs to Treat Vaccine Injury...OH! I mean new illnesses...OH! I mean illnesses.

Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 2 months ago to Science
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Notice ow there are new medications being advertised on tv for illnesses that you probably never heard of? RSV..."a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms' - that you never heard of a few years ago. My personal favorite? "Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a chronic autoimmune disorder in which antibodies destroy the communication between nerves and muscle, resulting in weakness of the skeletal muscles." Guess what this sounds like? AFM - acute flaccid myelitis. When my dad got MG he had just finished a long run of vaccine injections that I had warned him about. Then, he showed up at my place with his face sagging, slurring his speech. At the time, only one in 50,000 were ever diagnosed with MG. Now, they are advertising treatment for it on tv...which they surely wouldn't do if it were still so rare. Oh, and AFM? That is a "mystery" illness that only affects American children, only when they are entering kindergarten or first grade. So, I asked my pediatrician why them, why then? He laughed and said, "Oh yeah...We're trying to get them caught up on their vaccines for school." However, that illness that paralyzes and kills little kids is still a "mystery".

Oh, and my dad's doctor couldn't figure out what was wrong when he laid in ICU completely paralyzed, on a feeding tube. So, I told him that my dad's antibodies were probably too high and attacking his muscular neurons....MG. Saved his life and gave him five more years.

But, don't you worry. These mystery illnesses will pop up more and more and they'll never be able to figure out why. But, they might have a drug for it.

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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 2 months ago
    "The Great Culling" -2011 documentary.
    It sounded crazy then. Who would do such a thing? and Why would they?
    We have heard Gates, Fuaci, Schwab the UN, the WEF, the Georgia Guidestones... et. el. spouting the existential need for global massive depopulation.
    Sane people asked: Who would actually try to do this? Why would they? Who chooses who lives and who dies.
    Doesn't seem like such a whacko conspiracy theory any more? Does it?
    Tomorrow Friday, I go to bury a good friend who died way to early from cancer. Third one this year.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 2 months ago
    And, by the way, you ARE VERY CORRECT on anything you say about the COVID Vax.,..it was the followup to that Bioweapon COVID 19. I understand the Chinese are working to perfect it to kill more of us. We should line up the Chinese crossing the Texas Border and vax them!
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 2 months ago
    Uh oh! Sorry Abaco...My Respiratory Illnesses Clinic was treating babies with the RSV vax in 2008. My Nurse Practitioner from the Asthma Clinic at the University of Texas Medical Center was the one doing it. In the time we had the clinic (charitable)up and running, not one child in our clinic was rushed to a hospital or taken to another doctor for a respiratory emergency. The Texas Asthma Coalition Parade was held in Houston and one of my most serious asthma patients was the 4 year old Grande Marshall! He skip roped leading the parade. nb
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 1 year, 2 months ago
    I have been a family doctor for over 40 years. RSV was always a risk for infants. But never in older adults. Until now. I oppose direct to consumer advertising by Big Pharma, but at least it is confirming for me what is going on. They are showing their hand. I believe the Covid vaccine is causing an increase in autoimmune diseases, heart disease, cancer, some neurologic diseases, and death rates in general. And it has decreased viral immunity so people are getting every virus that comes along. And the drug companies know this and are marketing the drugs to treat these conditions. It is really quite simple, when you realize they don't care about making people healthy, and in fact, are providing "solutions" for the "problem" they created (with help from the government).
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