R Tlaib’s Congr office flags—how many, what allegiance(s) conveyed? Daily Wire Michael Knowles tonight on radio: "Four, none US,” Recent photos don’t jibe; protest erupts over Palestinian flag
Unfortunately, truth can be abused in the rush to editorialize. And flags are props that can be moved around to suit changed political circumstances
she should be expelled from congress and this nation
along with her co-conspirators in Dearborn
Yes, bowing to impending criticism, Tlaib could have moved her props around, and put an American flag outside her office with some of the others. But available current photos don’t confirm the absence of an American flag as Knowles charged.
I hope Knowles has proof of his claim about the four flags—that at one recent time the four flags were there without the presence of a US national flag. Failure to have proof could result in a lawsuit for libel.
One Dem congressperson defended Tlaib’s continuing display of a Palestinian flag at her governmental office as she’s Palestinian-American. He said, “I display a Danish flag on my wall at home.” Of course there is some difference in what a person does at home in private vs what a person does in official, governmental space. But that Dem congressperson was eager to overlook that difference.