The God of the Machine - Tranche 49
Posted by mshupe 1 year, 3 months ago to Government
Chapter XXII, Excerpt 2 of 2
The Energy Circuit in Wartime
If Americans or Englishmen had been amenable to conscription at the time, there could have been no revolutionary war. The indispensable condition for victory is that the producers retain control of the production system. Napoleon is esteemed a master of the art of war, but at the end, the nation he commanded was exhausted and occupied by its enemies. He had command of the total resources of the nation. These “men of power” are mere scraps of wreckage, floating rubbish in a flood.
Military force consists of energy drawn from production and yielding no return. The military state is the final form to which every planned economy tends rapidly. Distinguished by their lack of productive ability and responsibility, widespread misery must ensue whenever an army is supplied by a source over which the producers have no control. The real military problem of a nation is to find where the energy for war should be taken off the circuit to maintain the maximum striking force in the end appliance.
A production system does not determine the moral relations of society. The moral relations create the production system. The dynamo is the product and means of production of the capitalist economy. How then, can America imitate the “totalitarian” nations? The higher the potential energy used in production, the smaller the army in proportion to the manpower of the nation. Free men created the dynamo; and it will not operate except in the private property, free enterprise society of contract.
The Energy Circuit in Wartime
If Americans or Englishmen had been amenable to conscription at the time, there could have been no revolutionary war. The indispensable condition for victory is that the producers retain control of the production system. Napoleon is esteemed a master of the art of war, but at the end, the nation he commanded was exhausted and occupied by its enemies. He had command of the total resources of the nation. These “men of power” are mere scraps of wreckage, floating rubbish in a flood.
Military force consists of energy drawn from production and yielding no return. The military state is the final form to which every planned economy tends rapidly. Distinguished by their lack of productive ability and responsibility, widespread misery must ensue whenever an army is supplied by a source over which the producers have no control. The real military problem of a nation is to find where the energy for war should be taken off the circuit to maintain the maximum striking force in the end appliance.
A production system does not determine the moral relations of society. The moral relations create the production system. The dynamo is the product and means of production of the capitalist economy. How then, can America imitate the “totalitarian” nations? The higher the potential energy used in production, the smaller the army in proportion to the manpower of the nation. Free men created the dynamo; and it will not operate except in the private property, free enterprise society of contract.
On the other hand, Russia's war machine is running three shifts and and has amassed an army of 1.2 million and rising (Col Douglas MacGregor)
Worse yet, our governments foolish and unnecessary war-mongering (i.e. WarPigs) has given BRICS the spark it needed to obliterate the hegemony of the US dollar in the world market. I don't see any end to this jagernought. Our so-called leader have totally screwed us.
When the dollar inevitably fails, we will become the Vermeer Republic.
The dollar is circling the drain. Open your eyes.
We are in so much debt it can never be paid off, How do you think that is going to play out? We will default. Get out your Number 2 pencil and do the math.
This quote encapsulates the story of every government in human history. The energy taken out of the productive system always ends up destroying both production and the military. This phenomena parallels that of the individual who attempts to burn his candle at both ends. In the short term a Nova like brightness followed by a crash and darkness. Hitler’s 1,000-year Reich lasted roughly 11 years.
What I don’t understand is how these power-seeking, war now, war forever purveyors (Politicians, Bankers, Military) keep getting their way bloody century in and bloody century out. These evil people learn nothing, forget nothing, and care for nothing and nobody except for their own twisted dreams of glory
When progressives and conservatives speak of the president as "running the country," they are guilty of promoting totalitarian ideas. When libertarians speak of anarchy, they are promoting totalitarian ideas. When all of them promote "saving democracy," they are promoting totalitarian ideas.