The war they’re preparing is not the war they’re advertising. Watch what they do, not what they say!
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 3 months ago to Politics
"If they really intended to fight and win that war, the Biden Administration would be ramping up the production of oil, gas, coal and steel; they'd be building up the strategic petroleum reserves rather than depleting them to 40-year lows; they would also do everything possible to build up the military and recruit hundreds of thousands of fresh troops.
They're doing none of that and are even doing everything opposite, including systematically destroying the US troops' morale by promoting transgender officers and hiring a drag queen as spokesperson of the US Navy. Furthermore, they wouldn't be targeting the American citizens by recruiting 80,000 IRS enforcement agents and training them to use firearms. Clearly, the priority target in this conflict are the domestic populations of the western nations. Fighting foreign enemies is merely the smokescreen necessary to disguise the real war, as James Madison had foreshadowed."
"If they really intended to fight and win that war, the Biden Administration would be ramping up the production of oil, gas, coal and steel; they'd be building up the strategic petroleum reserves rather than depleting them to 40-year lows; they would also do everything possible to build up the military and recruit hundreds of thousands of fresh troops.
They're doing none of that and are even doing everything opposite, including systematically destroying the US troops' morale by promoting transgender officers and hiring a drag queen as spokesperson of the US Navy. Furthermore, they wouldn't be targeting the American citizens by recruiting 80,000 IRS enforcement agents and training them to use firearms. Clearly, the priority target in this conflict are the domestic populations of the western nations. Fighting foreign enemies is merely the smokescreen necessary to disguise the real war, as James Madison had foreshadowed."
had less to do with saving fetuses and more to do with stirring up more anger
between people who might otherwise recognize the Deep State con game?
Clarence Thomas
Samuel A. Alito, Jr.,
The reputations of those two are being destroyed by the Deep State media; therefore they are the good ones.
just a bit more 'conservative' than Roberts or Kavanaugh and less than
Barrett (but her record is pretty short.) See:
The fact that the SCOTUS refused to review anything challenging
the 2020 election is the treason of the SCOTUS. That is the reason
for my statement. I think Gorsuch may have voted in favor of
reviewing one or more of the cases. Perhaps my statement was too
hasty on Gorsuch. He may be more of a stealth conservative voice.
Thanks for prompting me to look further, Thor. 👍
I think Gorsuch (all anecdotal) is more objective and less religiously biased than the other conservatives. He has voted with the liberals a number of times, and I recall agreeing with them in the cases I looked at. I know many here do not mind a religious bias among the justices, but I seek objective freedom, and sometimes that bias interferes.
I want objective freedom in this world. I choose to believe in an afterlife of some sort. I choose to accept the consequences in the afterlife for my failings in this life. My failings are my own. I am not responsible for anyone else’s. Nor they for mine. Often I find my belief system at odds with other church members. Even though we agree on the Canons of the faith. There’s this feeling amongst Christians that because of the “Great Commission” we are supposed to save everyone. That’s not the case. We are supposed to spread the news that Christ made a way if people believe in him, accept it and change their lives to live in accordance with the scriptures. Some will, some won’t. I don’t want to get preachy so I’ll just leave it at some Christians keep an internal “Souls saved” scoreboard that really does a disservice to the message.
This isn’t an attack. This is one believer expressing agreement that the mechanics of “Separation of Church and State” has been brutally abused on both sides. The State should deal in objective truth only.
I think the LBGTQ-XYZ military is to destroy the military being a republican values pipeline.
As far as the threat from China, the idiotic push to eliminate CO2 and kill off the petroleum business assists
directly China's ascendance and siphons American wealth and feeds petro producers' power (e.g., Russia, Saudi, Iran.)
The Dem party and most of the Repub party are traitors deserving of execution immediately.
Everything being done by the fedgov is American suicide. NIFO.
“ The Fourth War Between the USA and British Oligarchy will commence when all of those in the US Armed Forces, Federal Law Enforcement, and the Secret Service who have sworn an oath to defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC, heed the CALL OF DUTY and stop those trying to abolish the U.S. Constitution and subordinate “We the People” under the Neo-Feudal Technocratic rule of the UN.”
I would add that THAT war will begin within those agencies. If true patriots still exist in them (Q anyone?), they better start throwing monkey wrenches into the works pretty quick. I don’t care if it’s just pissing in their bosses coffee cup. Anything will do.
86,000 armed IRS agents to make sure people pay taxes, extreme deficit spending to keep people fighting the resulting inflation, bribing young people tovote democatic to help tint the election, bringing in millions of migrants from screwed up countries who will view America as a land of entitled plenty and not participate in revolution, continuing to indoctrinate young children in the government indoctrination centers (public schools), etc. etc.